What did you buy today?

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I bought some gate hinges for my bargain eBay gates. Spent much of the day trying to dig holes for the posts. Have just snapped the spade handle so the holes will have to wait for now
Building handmade wooden houses

Saw this book endorsed in that wilderness home thread and I may be buying my own place soon (finger's crossed) the cabin on the land is ripe for such a project and having this sort of book does give you some inspiration. This book's very dated, it's from the 70's, but packed with some great ideas. Anyway thats what I took delivery of today. Got it at ht ebaragin price of £3.82 plus $18 P&P still a bargain I thought. Now all I need to do is buy the land and the ramshakled one bedroomed house that stands on it. Easy peazy.

Sawone of those newspaper log making doo dahs at a bootfair in the UK this year. Seller wanted £5 for it and it was brand new.

Second what Toby said about the Opinel, Toby gave me his customised Opinel recently, it's been reprofiled and looks really classy now! Thanks Toby, still need to work on the handle though.
Also a second on that top tip about tapping it on your heel to open it. Saves breaking a nail heaving out the tight blade. Cool factor of 8.3.
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Don't use a spade. Use a post hole digger:

Actually you want a rabbiting spade:p

Either of those would do a better job than my broken spade! Difficulty is getting the soil out of the bottom of the holes (they're 9" square and 26" deep). One of the holes has to be dug through some tree roots which is going to be a pain too (the first one was through solid concrete which was quite fun with an angle grinder and SDS drill)
Either of those would do a better job than my broken spade! Difficulty is getting the soil out of the bottom of the holes (they're 9" square and 26" deep). One of the holes has to be dug through some tree roots which is going to be a pain too (the first one was through solid concrete which was quite fun with an angle grinder and SDS drill)

you want a decent grafting spade and some shuv-holers http://www.drivall.com/fencingtools/shuvholers.htm

I've lost count of the post holes I've dug and the shuv-holers (particularly all metal construction) make the job a doddle :)
Loaf of bread, three tins of tuna, a bottle of Bulgarian red and a bag of peppery rocket.

Well, I gotta get my post count up somehow!
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Nothing today, but yesterday at a car boot I got a Regatta external frame rucksack (£3), a lightweight sleeping bag that will become a hammock underquilt eventually (£1.50), a Milletts packable waterproof (£1), a seasoned chunk of spanish olivewood (£2), and a book on trees (20p).

And an icecream with nuts and chocolate sauce :cool:
1000/6000 grit combi waterstone and nagura stone arrived from Axminster yesterday and I had fun sharpening all the kitchen knives as well as a Mora Clipper :)
A nice M65 jacket for winter.
Contrary to popular belief, it does get cold out here, especially at 6 in the morning when I start work.
Bought and traded some nice puukko and Leuku knives,a JF sporran pouch last week.

The other day I was mooching around B&Q when I saw a wee 4x3 damaged shed for sale,only two shiplaps and corner cover strips missing.
Filled it with stuff from my shed and now can sit in relative comfort and listen to tunes or watch DVDs again,having gave up my room in the house as a nursery.

Prefer sitting in the shed anyhow, bliss!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.