What did you forage today?

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Egremont Russet apples. A great flavoured apple, with its history right here in Petworth, the family seat of the Egremonts. I wondered why I keep seeing these comparatively rare trees here.
Not food, but I foraged some fatwood in yesterday’s woodland excursion. I pulled a few stubs of branches out of a long fallen pine, which were absolutely full of it.

Then a bit later in the day, Finn dug up an old pine sapling stump which was buried a few inches under the duff, he must’ve smelled it as it too was absolutely full of sap.

Been digging into it today to clean it up and start dividing it up. Should be enough to last me a long while.

I wonder if its worth having threads dedicated to each type of plant that is foraged?

We could build up a decent library of useful photos for newbies to learn from? See the plant from many different photos from many times of the year - see it at various stages and as newbies learn to identify and 'tick if off' they can add to the thread?
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We tried doing a what have you foraged this week/month kind of thing, and tried to keep it going through the year....it's past time to kick off a new thread on the topic.

Individual plant profiles are hard to keep tidy though; and there are just so very many of them.

Happy to see it start though, and will help mod it if necessary.
Yay! Found a few wild garlic leaves today. Picked just a couple to have in my egg mayonnaise salad.
WG great stuff. I am planning on having a wild food day one day a week. The rules are if you find, forage, fish or hunt it you can eat it. One day is a good start and worse or best case scenario f I find nowt I get to do a long fast which is always good. x
Yay! Found a few wild garlic leaves today. Picked just a couple to have in my egg mayonnaise salad.
WG great stuff. I am planning on having a wild food day one day a week. The rules are if you find, forage, fish or hunt it you can eat it. One day is a good start and worse or best case scenario if I find nowt I get to do a long fast which is always good. x
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There is a fair bit comming up around here. Goosegrass is tiny and tender right now, also saw sorrel, and tiny nettles sprouting up. Didnt bother picking today, as i didnt have enough time, just swiped up the garlic leaves as i passed.
A new one I learned about a few weeks ago is hazel catkins, lightly roasted and crumbled onto porridge as a crunchy topping if your feeling brave. They are supposed to be a nice nutty taste.
We tried doing a what have you foraged this week/month kind of thing, and tried to keep it going through the year....it's past time to kick off a new thread on the topic.

Individual plant profiles are hard to keep tidy though; and there are just so very many of them.

Happy to see it start though, and will help mod it if necessary.

I was thinking how it maybe a useful tie in resource for the learning matrix thingymyjig if that ever gets off the ground.
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WG great stuff. I am planning on having a wild food day one day a week. The rules are if you find, forage, fish or hunt it you can eat it. One day is a good start and worse or best case scenario if I find nowt I get to do a long fast which is always good. x

Sounds like a good plan. There will always be leaves and salady stuff, so you won't ever have to fast completely.


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