Last Saturday I bought an unissued German Kochgeshirr (cook pot), postwar production of the M1931, Unlike most of the stuff I buy, I needed it to try baking Brotbacken im Kochgeshirr. My last attempt was literally flat and I'm sure it's only because I didn't have a genuine Kochgeshirr. However, I'll probably chicken out and just go by the local Swiss bakery for a loaf of their bread. I've accumulated a stack of various mess tins, some army, some mountain shop, and I try to use them all. Rectangular British mess tins are very practical but the Boy Scout mess kit I've had for over fifty years is pretty much as good as anything that's available. I'm still hoping for a gamelle individuel for Xmas. (Let's keep the X in Xmas). I also received a week or so ago an order of various Badger brand "balms." The so-called "healing balm" (for the hands) really works and I use it all winter long.