What did you buy today?

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I got me a TAD Gear F.A.S.T. Pack Litespeed :D


Just been out and spent the last of my budget on:

A new pair of size 13 karrimor summit traveller walking shoes.

A karrimor deluxe pillow.

2 tesco dry bags.

Thats me all ready for hammocking then the eden festival! I cant wait!!!
Well I've just picked up my £35 Rab Storm bivvy which I technically bought on sunday but was too tight to pay the £3.95 carriage. Probably only cost me about £0.60 for the diesel to collect it and really nothing as I was passing the place anyway on another errand.

So that means I've got £3.95 to spend on something. Anything useful that you think I could get for £3.95? I'm a ground dwelling lightweight wildcamper who wants to get lighter so I reckon there is nothing for £3.95 that I can think of getting.
A Lichfield Falcon 120 tent, a mini hot water bottle, a half can of gas, a lone berghaus side pouch with straps and a pencil
Carousel, the musical and the 2nd film in the Narnia series on DVD. The former is a present for my Mum and the latter for my niece. Honest folks.

Was hoping to pay for another DVD on ebay but I was outbid atthe last moment. Oh well. C'est la vie.

Did buy a small one man tent last weekend for €20 which I have yet to put up and try out. As soon as SWMBO is out I'll try it out, she doesn't know I bought yet another tent.
A Ka-Bar Dozier Hunter folder... Cracking knife for just over £20 (24?) and a wetterlings mini-hatchet that needs a bit of elbow to get the best out of it!

Came full convexed, but poorly ground. Its now looking rather nice, but i haven't finished yet :) some hard steel..!

A Ka-Bar Dozier Hunter folder... Cracking knife for just over £20 (24?) and a wetterlings mini-hatchet that needs a bit of elbow to get the best out of it!

Came full convexed, but poorly ground. Its now looking rather nice, but i haven't finished yet :) some hard steel..!


get some pictures up when it's done mate! I love seeing the cheaper axes being worked on.
Will do buddy... Its starting to get respectable now since the reprofile (roughly slices paper), but is no-where near finished.

It is some seriously hard steel, so should keep the edge well/worth the effort!

All the best, al.
I bought more MaxP stuff, I swear my wardrobe is starting to look like a MaxP dealers storage locker. :D
A Mongo S-Type, a Janus pouch, and some hook and loop pouches to go inside it, along with an EDC Fatty. It'll be ideal for carry on luggage for me.
My Spyderco UKPK Rescue arrived today, as did a Spyderco Doublestuff ceramic stone, really pleased with both of them.
It's been a while since I've been able to justify anything new without risking the wrath of SWMBO. However, number one son is going on his first 'Cub Camp' this month and this has meant I've been able to pass things down from father to son.
This obviously means I needed to replace some items (well that's my excuse).
Soooo, on order are:
Exped 7 DLX/LW downmat.
Petzl Tikka Plus 2.
GSI Stainless Dukjug.
A new FAK
Pair of Lowa Zepher Mid boots (nothing to do with passing anything down to my Son - I just needed them!)
Went to a vide grenier (French Bootfair) this morning came home with:

About 300ft of very thin nylon twine on a bobbin. Must be from some huge sewing machine. It's white and very like miniature paracord. Got that for 35p. Bargain I thought.

3 DVDs

A log splitter, basically an iron wedge. That's destined for my mate in the UK.

a leather working tool for rounding over the edge of the leather.

A small oval shaped aluminium cooking pot.

A gorgeous cast iron 10"dia cooking pot with a lid which also doubles as a frying pan. Both have built in handles that meet back to back to make one big chunky handle for easy lifting off the fire. Nice touch that I thought.

And lastly, the piéce de resistance, a French Army camouflage "tarp" 3mx5m in other words 'kin yoooge. I just need to make sure SWMBO is out when I rig that up to test it for size etc. She says I already have enough kit to sink a small battleship.

Hey Treefrog that necker's nice. I have my name down on the list for one from Raikey. Don't need one, don't have a use for one, but WANT one! LOL!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.