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Hey Treefrog that necker's nice. I have my name down on the list for one from Raikey. Don't need one, don't have a use for one, but WANT one! LOL!

….and at £27 not bad value. Will have to see if anyone on here can make me a nice leather sheath for it. :)

I was wanting a Lance Ockenden necker but not seen any for sale on his site http://www.driftwoodwalker.co.uk/NECKER.htm (no connection)
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Two of these in Focus's closing down sale:

OK went out for a walk on Cannock chase, via Burton and Springfields :)

the walk was great and relaxing, now the purchases were a bit of retail therapy :)

Mora Bushcraft Force knife (to try and see what they are like)
new pair of 1000mile mil socks (needed for work) ( my excuse)
some after bite (if i forget the mosi/midge repellant)
mini mist handy size insect repellant ( small ticket pocket size, going to try it out for work)

Other recent purchases have been:

EMT scissors (broke my last pair and needed a new set for my team medic kit)
2 CAT toriquets ( had 2 needed 2 more)
A Rapid boy Krydex clipper sheath set (works a treat, many thanks)
A cheap wool blanket (to try a few blanket tricks out with cause I did not want to wreck my £200 wool whelsh blanket (mum would kill me) :)
some cling-ons for my tarps (got them cheap at Clas Olson (love this store)all we need is a xxxl at merry hill:) )
a cheap 4 Gb music palyer for when out and about (I hate I-Pods but that just me)
Just over a week ago before a week's backpacking I got a powermonkeyexplorer. Didn't realise it takes 3.5 hours to re-charge a smart phone and uses a full charge too. Plus it came up with a warning before fully re-charging it. Not sure it was worth the £60 but its a new toy so will do something with it.

Also Rab storm bivvy.

Esbit for my first ever esbit stove.

new trail shoes (20% off couldn't resist).

tiny alky gel bottle to go with trowel and tissues and lighter (need I say more?).

8 and 20 litre sea to summit UL sil-nylon drybags (20% off too).

Bacon and fried potatoes dehydrated travellunch (ReiterIIRC) breakie - not worth it and taste goddamn awful.

CHocolate mouse dehysrated from Reiter - mmm! Had me bouncing off the walls though so suspicious as to what is in there. Got to try the vanilla pud some time, hope it has the same affect!! :D

Thinking of a MLD trailstar after reading a Colin Innottson review of it in which he raved about it.

Also thinking of raidng BPL-UK again. Why does Bob have such an alladins cave of goodies? Evernew stuff is in as is the hip flask I think!! :D
I bought I svord peasant. I'm going to have a go and making some custom scales out of a nicer wood. Then I'm considering asking one of the makers to make a little leather horizontal belt sheath. I'm off to post loads of annoying questions in the DIY section now...
get some pictures up when it's done mate! I love seeing the cheaper axes being worked on.

Well, its taken me a fortnight, here and there... bits and bobs, sanding and stropping. My new addition/purchase and worth every penny!

My husqvarna hatchet feel's heavy and cumbersome now :p


Hair popping'ly shaving sharpy...

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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.