OK went out for a walk on Cannock chase, via Burton and Springfields
the walk was great and relaxing, now the purchases were a bit of retail therapy
Mora Bushcraft Force knife (to try and see what they are like)
new pair of 1000mile mil socks (needed for work) ( my excuse)
some after bite (if i forget the mosi/midge repellant)
mini mist handy size insect repellant ( small ticket pocket size, going to try it out for work)
Other recent purchases have been:
EMT scissors (broke my last pair and needed a new set for my team medic kit)
2 CAT toriquets ( had 2 needed 2 more)
A Rapid boy Krydex clipper sheath set (works a treat, many thanks)
A cheap wool blanket (to try a few blanket tricks out with cause I did not want to wreck my £200 wool whelsh blanket (mum would kill me)
some cling-ons for my tarps (got them cheap at Clas Olson (love this store)all we need is a xxxl at merry hill

a cheap 4 Gb music palyer for when out and about (I hate I-Pods but that just me)