Ran a search on ebay for big press studs (like you see on leather jackets) and couldn't believe my luck finding 10 for £1.75, so I bought 30. So after I paid for them, feeling rather smug I might add for such a bargan I then realised all I'd bought was the caps. D'oh!
So I searched the rest of ebay and bought the other 3 parts to make up a press stud. Ask me how stupid I felt? Of course I had to buy 30 each of those parts as well.
Anyway £20 worth of press studs will be wending their way to my mate's house for collection in July some time, or posted to me.
Still feeling like a numpty for having paid for the item before reading the fine print. Lesson learnt there methinks. Off to give myself a good kick up the ar$e now. I so deserve it.