Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
It is with some reluctance and trepidation that I post a reply here, to inform you people that I have bought one of these:
It's a My Neighbour Totoro Onesie. (whatever the hell that is)
It's for my youngest daughter! Honest, it really is. She had me sell her two tickets for London's comicon and rather than have me send her the money she had me buy this instead. So it's NOT for me! She chose it, she wanted it, I just bought it.
You believe me? Right? ..... RIGHT?![]()
How the hell did this posting appear?

Deny deny deny.
Thanks for the advice Colin about wearing it at the Moot. However I'd be afraid someone would mistake me for a big bunny and want me for their pot. Man, would they have a surprise when they skinned me

Goatboy, up until a recent crash helmet upgrade I used to have the White hand a Sauron on the back of my black full face crash helmet, rather like this picture:

I rather liked it. I've never been tempted to add bunny ears or a tail. Sorta takes the edge off if I ever have to give rip into some myopic driver a for cutting me up or doing a: "sorry mate didn't see you". Liked the idea of a Mohawk, but since I'm a slaphead having one on the lid would be a bit too ironic.
Thanks so much for your understanding about the onesie. I knew I could post with complete confidence and not get the pi$$ taken out of me.... much