What did you buy today?

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
I just got me a pair of Hawke Frontier ED 10x43 binoculars. I went to the shop (clifton cameras) to get some Nikon Monarchs, with a budget of £250, but I tried these and they blew the nikon out the water! Such a better image, so I bit the bullet and bought these (£309). Been out all day with them today and they are stunning! I want to upgrade the eyecups with some fieldoptics eyepieces and some aftermarket objective lens covers that are more secure though.
A rusted drawknife to be restored.
A rusted Billhook, also to be restored
A 10mm chisel
3 short sections of 120mm chimney pipe for a woodburner I'm working on. (More of that at a later date)
3 DVDs
2 CDs
a Stitch marker wheel

and finally

A spicy hotdog in a baguette for lunch and a can of coke to wash it down with.

It was a lovely hot spring day today, T-shirt weather in fact. I didn't even mind when I slipped using the wire brush attachment cleaning up the tools and tore the skin by my fingernail. These thing happen sometimes.
Met up with fellow bristol chap andy aka topknot to pick up my new lefty sheath .


Very happy with it and the quality is spot on . Great service and all on my doorstep :):):)

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Rik, how does something like that (multi fuel stoves in general, not neccessarily just that one) fare with jet fuel?

Jet fuel is more or less paraffin. What you call kerosene. It's one of the best stove fuels going IMHO, and a stove designed to burn paraffin/kerosene/jetA is a joy for ever. :).

Jet B is more like petrol (what you call gasoline) and not suitable for paraffin stoves although you could probably get away with it on a true multifuel stove.
Jet fuel is more or less paraffin. What you call kerosene. It's one of the best stove fuels going IMHO, and a stove designed to burn paraffin/kerosene/jetA is a joy for ever. :).

Jet B is more like petrol (what you call gasoline) and not suitable for paraffin stoves although you could probably get away with it on a true multifuel stove.

Thanks. I didn't know if the difference was enough to really matter. It's been quite a while so i need to also look up the correlation of JP4, JP5, and JP8 to JetA and JetB. IIRC JetA is more or less JP5.
Ten "sail" needles for hand sewing canvas. Am not altogether happy as the design and sizing appears to have dramatically changed, presumably to cater for the modern sail cloths and artificial twines.

Still, not to worry, for I have a few of the traditional sort, albeit in the larger sizes.
And, while I am in moaning mode, whatever happened to the manufacturing control of flaxen seaming twine, it is rubbish quality ,inconsistent diameters and booming great lumps of bad joins every few inches... can,t even get a modern Number 15 threaded with this stuff. Can,t seem to get good seaming twine or skeins of sail twine, moan; moan; moan ;moan; moan.
A couple of sharps, which I'll get in a week or so when I get back from Saudi for a bacon break.

Large Sebenza with micarta inserts,
and a DPx H.E.S.T. folder.

Looking forward to playing with them.
the one that requires an online server to work? I want to play it, but................ How do I put this.................

I hate people (online gaming).:lmao:

Yes joe, that one, that being said you don't have to play with people but you do have to be online all the time (unless you get the offline mod but even then you can't save..)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.