Case of having to really, got myself a folding camp bed/sun lounger. My really nice folding camp bed my mate borrowed 18 months ago and I found out it is now in his Dad's loft in Leeds. Just great! So today being Sunday I took myself off to a boot fair for some retail therapy and there was a lovely camp bed in very good condition up for 8 (just shy of £7) Seemed rude not to buy it at that price. This one doesn't creak or squeak as I move about on it unlike my other one which I took to the Moot last year.
I also got another cast iron folding handled griddle to clean up to bring to the Moot to put on the bring and buy table. A mahoosive alluminum kettle (1 gallon at least!) also to go on the table and a Robert Heinlein book to throw in the glove compartment of the car to read when I'm stuck in traffic on the M25 on the way to the Moot. Nothing like being prepared eh?