What did you buy today?

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.

This is my now my new home. Or will be once I move in later in September/October. There's some serious work to be done but mostly cosmetic as the place is structurally sound. The garden is a jungle at the moment and the parcel of land it sits on is about the size of a tennis court. Out in the sticks with 3 neighbours (all friends of mine) about 50 yards from me.

Can't believe my luck on this. I saw it about 3 years ago as I walked the dog past it every morning and dreamed of one day owning it, of course it was pure fantasy at the time and I never thought I'd be in a position to actually cough up the reddies and buy it! But I signed the paperwork today and now I am the very happy owner of my own house.

It's a bungalow concrete pre-fab building with one main room and three smaller rooms off of it. I plan on making a sort of blog/website one day to share and show the progress as I restore this place up (Rather like British Reds Retirement home thread) it'll also be a motivational thing for me since if left to my own devises I may well end up just wasting my time instead of cracking on with the work. Long term plans are some workshop in outbuildings, perhaps even a forge, I fancy the idea of banging metal. Covered outside seating area. Modest veggie patch in raised beds (I've never grown a thing in my life except for the Aloe Vera plant Turbogirl gave me and is still - shock horror - alive.) Hammock set up area, barbeque pit. Oh all sorts of plans and all up in the air right now.

So here's Biker Towers in all its overgrown glory. Ain't she purty? Did I mention she's mine?

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Félicitations sur votre nouvelle maison Française.

Great news Aaron, you must be such a happy bunny. Really happy for you .
Look forward to reading all about it.

Thanks fellas.

Real life has had me jumping through some hoops of late and I haven't really had time to absorb this event, but today when it got to the signing I got that Christmas morning as an 8 year old excitement! Talk about it coming in at the 11th hour. Still better late than never eh?
Congrats matey, i can feel a France meet coming soon, everyone bring your tools and overalls.
Hmmmm I wonder if I could pick up a crewbus at auction and we could have a workparty on foreign shores.... that'd be brilliant! I LOVE a good workparty, me!!

Ohhh, soooo exciting I forgot to say bon chance avec nous maison or sommat... I hope I've not instructed you to choke a chicken or something.... ;)
We need to ask Aaron first i suppose :)

Come one come all. Bring your own food though, I'll supply the wine, beer, booze. :You_Rock_

However on a back to reality note. Simon, my landlord and mate here has a mini caterpillar digger and could do in one day what a work party of people could do in a week. So I'm going to let him loose in the garden with the blade and digger while I attack the under growth with the brush cutter on my petrol strimmer. However you're more than welcome to come over, the invite's there to any and all but understand even running water on the site could be classed as a luxury. Perhaps next spring when I plan on building and fitting a second storey on the house... perhaps. ;)
Hahaha sorry, I get over excited easily ;) When you find something you need bodies to throw at, you just let us know... unless its a zombie invasion, of course ;)

Will do Sal. :You_Rock_ No need to apologise, I sincerely would enjoy having a bunch of BCUK mates over for a smash and bash session and that includes includes the likely event of a Zombie invasion. :rolleyes:
Well, yesterday and today! hope that still counts ;)

web tex basha/tarp and poles (ebay)
Czech army bed roll
Swedish army mess tin/kuska/kfs (BKUK member)
and hopefully by the close of play today some of the world renound SSMR :)

happy days!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.