What did you buy today?

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Bought a pink SS Mora for this years sailing exploits and a Navilight torch. It glows in the dark so I can find it and is completely waterproof.
A pannier for my bike. Formed like a plastic bucket. Easy on and off with a pair of hooks.


Had to go to Rochdale today and finally found some bright orange Bic maxi lighters in Alis tobacconist at the bottom of the main shopping street. Also hot a couple of minis to go in Survival kits.

Also herself ordered me a box of 42 x 40g kendal mint cake bars from a prepping shop as I was moaning that the chocolate I carry when going for a bimble was already starting to melt during this hot spell. I don't actually like it that much which should stop me just scoffing it for fun rather than when I need a sugar boost.


Ordered a Small coyote brown DDTarp instead of the only other viable option, a Viper basha v-cam. The coyote DD tarp is over 100g lighter, has a much reduced pack size, costs less and is of known quality
Went to Huddersfield flea market today fir the first time in 2 years and there's were several stores with out doorsey/ military kit but nowt that gripped me.

I did blow 50p on a old 1oz flour scoop that will be just the job to go in my field baking kit once I've cleaned it up. There's no sharp edges so it can live in the flour bag. Better than guestimating heeped table spoons. Also found a lot if excelent quality UK made needles, again 50 p a packet but since I only use certain types and sizes due to my big paws and heavyweight thick thread I use I just got two packets of embroiderers and darters and left all the glovers and sharps for others. The only other bits that may be of interest here were 6 x 12 inch stem clay churchwardens for two quid a pop, which if you can find them at all us a excellent price. That makes a round dozen I've picked up of the foot long or longer ones so it's about time I made a tavern pipe rack to hold them and all the cutty sized ones. Some where I've the dimensions and photos of a rack that's in the local museum. I've a small amount of quartersawn oak that should do it the constructions just nailed.



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Also herself ordered me a box of 42 x 40g kendal mint cake bars from a prepping shop as I was moaning that the chocolate I carry when going for a bimble was already starting to melt during this hot spell. I don't actually like it that much which should stop me just scoffing it for fun rather than when I need a sugar boost.
There's always this.....https://www.penningtonspirits.com/product/kendal-mint-cake-liqueur/
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Since I was impressed by the small version I picked up a large Trangia mess tin from Outdoor Action in Blackburn yesterday, knocked down a few quid to 11.95. They had one left when I left but was well stocked with all the other Trangia bits so it would seam they are having trouble getting more. I wanted some thing very light weight for doing a couple of boil in the bag rations at a time on gas, meths or dragon tabs rather than being tough enough for open fires or petrol stoves. basically its just for boiling water. It fits perfectly into a Helikon Tex E & E pouch.

I've seen a lot of Youtube vids about them being used to make rice in which seams to be a thing in Japan. In fact most of the blurb on the box is in Japanese.


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On the second attempt 2 days later the PO delivered the KMC.


Going to put a couple of bars in all the bags I actually use and let the family scoff all the chocolate I pull out so I dont!

Won't have one today as I've just made a dozen Fat Rascals, Darbysh' style.

Too crumbly for carrying but packed with calories ( sugar, butter, fruit etc )





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On the second attempt 2 days later the PO delivered the KMC.

View attachment 73439

Going to put a couple of bars in all the bags I actually use and let the family scoff all the chocolate I pull out so I dont!

Won't have one today as I've just made a dozen Fat Rascals, Darbysh' style.

Too crumbly for carrying but packed with calories ( sugar, butter, fruit etc )

View attachment 73441



Love a fat rascal. The Mrs can't go past a Bettys without getting one!
It was a bakers near the bus station in Skipton that got us hooked! It's a lot of faffing to make them, like zesting 2 lemons and 2 orange's but worth it every once in a while. 6 left for to tomorrow. I use the BBC recipe but doubled and I use less dripping and more butter, a bit more golden caster sugar, a load of flaked almonds in the mix and more glacé cherries quartered and in the mix as opposed to galved on top. Next time I'll add more blanched almonds to the top as we are really liking them baked/roasted. Usually I don't care for them whole.


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Got two Dupont Coolmax thermal undershirts, zip neck for a fiver in a local charity shop! Swedish Army issue and brand new!

Sent from my SM-A528B using Tapatalk
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Not a big haul today but the Abrifiles were a particular good find. The book is on chip carving, not something I've done before. Most of my time was blown in garden centres looking for tools to trim some trees and herbs, got 14 to plant out when the frosts gone.

The brush has really soft copper bristles.



HotHands hand warmers were going for 25p a pair in Tesco, so grabbed some. Expire June '23.
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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.