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Had a good haul at Mikes tool stall in Colne indoor Market, was able to resist another Shef' made drawknife but got some nice bits

View attachment 72760

Will do a pic when they are cleaned up. I'll set the Eclipse No. 40PC to take the shorter hacksaw blades, there's 53 in the box, no rust or owt


Some nice rasps there - and I bet those hacksaw blades were a bargain compared to what they cost now!
Redhandjack; what make are those axe heads?

The top two look like Elwell.

At any rate, good haul.

Hi Tengu, sorry for the late reply - the top one is a 6½lb Parkes Biped, the 2nd is an unmarked 4lb, the Kent pattern is a 1½lb Cornelius Whitehouse and the baby at the bottom is an unmarked 1lb - all will be getting rehafted and sheaths made over the coming weeks.
Ordered a world band radio. Don´t know why, never had a radio but perhaps this situation in Ukraine drove me to buy one, small enough to be able to carry in a backpack.
This one:
Looks like a nice neat size, do you have a link to it please?
Aye, it was just poor storage by the previous owners that needed a bit of work to undo The microplane ones cut lovely and smooth compared to surforms. The trick is to only use them for finishing on hardwoods or they go blunt faster than surforms.


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Audio quality is a serious issue with the compact Short Wave Listening radios. I'd never buy any rinky-dink HF radio. Of course you sacrifice the weight for the battery load but in these days, not an issue. Boy but do they pound the politics and preach the tone. Best place is somewhere near the edges of the 40M ham radio band.

Look up the BBC Overseas schedules. Many other countries hang in real close in case you slip up and accidentally listen to them.
The Bic Maxis arrived on schedule, I'd have prefered to have been able to pick the colours myself, hi vis' rather than random but with only unreliable knock offs available around here I'll have to live with what I can get.

I've wrapped a yard of gorilla tape around a couple and home made smokers wick around a couple more.



Woox Forte 22". Interesting, but no wooden wedge or steel cross or cylinder wedge. Useful, if somewhat flimsy mask with carabiner for attatching to ...ahh belt (your pants would fall down), so pack I guess. It's ok, but I'll stick with my H.B's, Gransfors, and Weterlings. It will go with my Condor Terrasaur which impressed me about as much. It wouldn't cut butter until I re-sharpened it. Garberg killer, my butt.

Back to the Woox... fairly heavy, shadow cuts in the head. I imagine it would be a decent splitter. A little too much glam for me, though. I think it will spend a cpl of days at the " axe spa" and get smartened up a bit.

Wow. Long winded first post.

Cheers from the land of the Magic Fire Tree (stole that from Chris Tanner, his descrip for Birch trees)

Eurohike Adventurer 300 Sleeping bag. Bought for £27 from Millets a couple on months ago in readiness for my current not coping with some winter damp. Roomy, excellent hood, good zips & reasonably liteweight. A design classic
Had a bimble around a couple of nearby towns, not that I actually need any kit,I'm pretty much maxed out now.

Anoyingly, after being reamed for one I picked up another, still with its tags on, Coghlans 2 egg carrier in a charity shop for a quid. Better was a 3XL Karimor wicking undershirt for 3 quid, pretty much as new.

I got as far as Outdoors Action in Blackburn who have aquired a large stock of Craghoppers kit at bargain prices. I picked up two fleeces for £16.95 a pop for herself and the youngest, knocked down from £40. They went into mild shock I'd actually bought them something new ! All I got for myself was a night luminous marker and another Nite ize 2 inch locking S-biner.


'Weathers picking up here in the west Penines so I should be getting more use out of All this shiny new kit.


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The Bic Maxis arrived on schedule, I'd have prefered to have been able to pick the colours myself, hi vis' rather than random but with only unreliable knock offs available around here I'll have to live with what I can get.

I've wrapped a yard of gorilla tape around a couple and home made smokers wick around a couple more.

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You could get an Exotec Waterproof Lighter Case in HiViz Orange.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.