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Two very good purchases! :)

Persevere with the key; it takes some getting used to (sorry, you may already be familiar with keys). Luckily, my wife is quite happy to go through it :)

Bought on your recommendation good sir. Hopefully I can study it this winter and put it to good use come the spring
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Sorry, I don´t understand what you mean. o_O "View the shovel in year"?

Sorry - I mean MY experience of more modern made multi joint Shovels have been slightly disappointing as they tend to not 'lock-up' as well as some of the WWII designed stuff - which admittedly tends to be heavier but I do think digging with one isn't the shovel equivalent of Russian Roulette.
Locking mechanism for the Fiskars shovel seems pretty sturdy. I doubt my shovel will see too much use. It´s just a tool I feel is good to have, just in case.
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As someone who teaches vehicle recovery skills, I find all folding shovels too short. When you need to dig the sand from under a bellied 110 in the desert you want the old military rigid long handled shovel. But, of course, different needs will require different solutions :)
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I got loads a while back, then they didnt have them for months

managed to find little sachets of honey to in B&M

the jam is pure sugar, so lasts for years past its use by date....
B & M did have 8 packs of UHT type milk portions so I got 2 of those for the Mem' who doesnt like the powered stuff or evap'.

I had to resort to the Internet to get individual teabags in foil rather than paper packets. When herself was spending a lot of time in hotels for work I was knee deep in this sort of stuff. I've even had to buy shower caps for going over loaf tins to keep the draughts off them during rising!


I had to resort to the Internet to get individual teabags
What has the world become when a britt makes tea out of teabags nstead of loose tea?!
Why teabags, it´s no more difficult to use loose tea. And the quality is much better. That´s why I nowadays buy whole coffee beans and grind them myself.
Weirdly, although I don't mind a hint of hexy or even petrol in my tea I've never cared for tea from a flask. This from a man who recently policed up all his flasks and discovered he had enough to make quite a large abstract sculpture. Flasks I mainly use for soup and runny foods like stew or beans. And if you're beans ain't runny enough, wel. You're just not adding enough butter...


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To restore, a pretty much unused Disston D-8 22 inch 10 TPI. saw Just need to take the handle off and soak in mild acid to dissolve the red stuff. The teeth don't evenneddtouchi gu came in a niceuk made case. Mike (Colne Tools) threw in the small tube cutter in free.


I think I got the teabags from Single Portions, if it the one who sells single items rather than boxes full. If not i certainly looked at their site.

Got a tray of single portion Duerrs honey from Home Bargains, no jam there either. £1.49 for 16.


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