What did you buy today?

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Hit the charity shops and lucked out
Brand new old stock Regatta OG trousers to fit a son £2.99
Craghoppers Aquadry winter jacket to fit same son, there's a bit of fluff in the velcro but otherwise unworn, they haven't even pulled the waist and hem drawcord in. On principle I'll tech wash it and reproof since my fits me again Goretex needs doing anyroad, £6.99
Unworn Regatta pullover fleece shirt 4XL 5.99
And best of all a still tagged Mil-tec polar fleece parka liner in OG XXXL for myself £4.99. I've been looking for a cheap beeeeg OG fleece jacket for a while.

All herself got was 16 Barrets liquorice sticks yet seams delighted by them.


Ordered to arrive on Wednesday or Thursday a Primus Micron lantern with steel mesh globe. I wanted something smaller, more robust and lighter when with company than what I already have. It takes the same mantles as one I aleady have so I won't need to buy any more as I've 5 spares.


UCO candle lantern kit 2.0, bright red as the green on looked a bit easy to lose in the long grass. I'll make a karrimat tube for it as the fleece bag that comes with it won't protect it enough and I'm not going to fork out sixteen quid for the made for it neoprene case.

Craftsman brand 13 inch large mouth tool bag, NOS £3 to hold my carving knife roll and other bits . Must put a small cuts kit in it.

Yesterday we ordered a Platypus Quickdraw filter and reservoir as I want something smaller, lighter and easier to use than my old Katydan Hiker. Should be here in a couple of days.


Sorted the case for the lantern, a bit bulkier than the bought one but weighs next to nowt, seams contact glued then the vertical seam sewed through to hold it in place while the glue cures then a strip of gorilla tape to make sure and pretty it up some.


The reflector fits across the top inside the fleece bag. I'll chuck in a book of matches in a leather zip lock and cut a bit of J- cloth to stop the spare tea lights ratling about.

Once I've found the bag of tealights i'll empty the parafin wax into my stash and refill so e with beeswax.

I'm wondering if you can get tea light cips that are more robust and can be refilled? I'll have a quick Google.

Also ordered a basic MWC G10 LM/OG watch from Contact Left so am skint again. I've had G10s before and like them. The choice was one of those or blow the same money, well nearly as much, on having a MX10 serviced and risk them not getting it working and having no working watch at the end of it. I made the error of taking that MX10 i had from new to a jeweler to get a new battery and they couldn't get it working again, blowing the warranty in the process and the one I got in a charity shop auction that had supposedly been sent for a new strap and full service packed in after six months and since there was no paper work with it I've no idea if it was done by the manufacturer or not .

I've never liked using my phone as a watch, partly because of the faff and partly as I don't want to seam like I'm constantly checking to see if anyone loves me or what it is that those who walk about phone in hand are doing. I do use pocket watches but I can't afford a properly water and shock proof one and they don't really fit in with what I do or wear when farming about in the woods. My pockets tend to have stuff in that would scratch or otherwise harm them and the cord/ chain gets caught on things and in winter I'd have to haul past severa long layers to get at them. OK you can judge time without a watch to a certain extent and if I was out for a extended period I could do without but unfortunately I'm usually on a schedule that affects others.


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There is a company called Single Portions,they are quite good,some stuff may just be out of date,but i'm still here.


they ahve past sell by, often you can get small portions of things

same as single portions

B&M tend to have the individual Jam, but very similar to home bargains.

I want to find cheap tinned chocolate like the schokakola in germany

remember everyone, the after halloween sweet offers, often tesco has skittles 5p a bag!
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What we need, while we’re all bushcraft and ‘leave no trace’ is less single use plastic. The little Bon Maman glass jars can at least be washed and refilled.

Single portion foods in plastic tubs need banning along with the little tubes of toothpaste, shampoo, etc that most people, and hotels, find either more convenient, or a holiday novelty.
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What were you drinking??? I honestly have never done it to that scale.....'waiter I'll have what @TeeDee is having' :)

Then that obviously ended.

Then , judging after the next days kitchen aftermath and looking at the carnage..... I must have decided to get experimental

Because I found the 'Chicken-of-the-Woods' vodka I made a few years ago still which was still infusing after I vowed it would be a dark day in hell before I drank it.
I also found a empty bottle of Caramel coffee syrup beside it... and a blender.

So apparently I was drinking Caramel C-O-T-W Vodka to end the night off.
Then that obviously ended.

Then , judging after the next days kitchen aftermath and looking at the carnage..... I must have decided to get experimental

Because I found the 'Chicken-of-the-Woods' vodka I made a few years ago still which was still infusing after I vowed it would be a dark day in hell before I drank it.
I also found a empty bottle of Caramel coffee syrup beside it... and a blender.

So apparently I was drinking Caramel C-O-T-W Vodka to end the night off.
I am coming rounds yours for a drinking session :-)
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Then that obviously ended.

Then , judging after the next days kitchen aftermath and looking at the carnage..... I must have decided to get experimental

Because I found the 'Chicken-of-the-Woods' vodka I made a few years ago still which was still infusing after I vowed it would be a dark day in hell before I drank it.
I also found a empty bottle of Caramel coffee syrup beside it... and a blender.

So apparently I was drinking Caramel C-O-T-W Vodka to end the night off.

That has improved my Monday morning by quite a bit haha brilliant. Are you sure it was cotw and not fly agaric?
I may of over ordered on the Bolero....



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.