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ld15 1_499x281.jpg A Fenix LD15 to replace the one I lost this weekend at my works cChristmas do, I was far to drunk and left it in the hotel room after calling them they confirmed it had not been found so I purchased this torch again.

The hotel have now called back to confirm they found my torch and will be posting it back.

Now I have 2x Fenix LD15
Bought This from one of our members, Mikko from Finland.


This. See pic below.

Came with long range tank and spare seat, box of spares and I also bought a spare engine from the seller.

Those of you who know me and and my look alike Mad Dave will be very surprised to read that the seller, Roger, looks even more like me. Even I was surprised just how much alike we are. Stupidly I didn't take a photo of us together. D'oh!

Rode it the 90 miles back from Cranleigh today via M25 and it's sat in the poly tunnel in my Mum's garden as I type this. I'm going to take it some hot milk and a biscuit before going to bed. I had the 250cc version one of these decades ago and loved it, this is the same size frame but with the 600cc engine. 30 year old bike totally restored and sweeter than a sugar cube dipped in golden syrup.

Already planning on my European tour for next year. :cool:

Wee early crimble from me to me !!!

Crackin wee looking burner, robust , nice size and well made.

Bought on here from Tim Lloyd , cheers mate.

Couple of wee surprise gifts this morning from my daughters.

Tarp hat from my youngest, absolutely love it !

Wee fire kit from my eldest. Crackin bit o' flint in it. Much fun tae be had outside with these and my SS gift.

Have safe and Merry Christmas all.

A couple of days ago, from a charity shop in Dorset, what looks like a DPM Artic Windproof Smock. Wired hood, and front/rear rank tabs, and overall in very good condition. Not bad for £3.99!
The local Red Cross charity shop yielded this pre-loved gem of a canteen.

Aluminium welded seam construction with the classic kidney shaped cross-section, stamped on the base with the word "KOREA"


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.