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My Wilkinson Sword Dartmoor Knife mini Project was completed today.

I was a bit disappointed not to have secured one from a fellow member on here but in the end it made a lot more sense to buy the parts and do the job my way. These I got from www.dartmoorknife.co.uk to whom I have no affiliation.

My buddy Trevor turned the Pommel Nut out of Aircraft Aluminium which keeps the balance as per the original. Duncan from Dorset Woodland Blades http://www.dorsetwoodlandblades.co.uk/ has done an astonishing job on the grind, matching the original dimensionally but far, far sharper.

Both guys were a joy to do business with.

This project started out as a way to conserve my original numbered blade from further damage and loss of its eye watering value but I'm so pleased with it I may "Pimp" it into an Heirloom Piece.

So I have two but 3 children. Hmmm

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Picked up a couple of karrimor dry bags in sports direct reduced down to a couple of quid each. And a sigma lense for my camera
Top-ups for my first aid kit, couple of SS mugs, a life-time's supply of those little foldy tin opener things - didn't realise how many were in a pack until I opened one.

Just took delivery of these bad boys


Brown one for me and one each of the green for my brothers! Only ordered them on Monday lunch time! Top service from DD! And I got a free DD tshirt! Win!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.