Is there anywhere at the Moot that I could plug in a charger for my camera? I can charge most things off the solar charger unit that I carry, but it's too lower voltage (5v only) to feed my camera charger.
I as do not hail from your part of the woods, whats the rate in custard creams (our local currency)?4 Jaffa Cakes per charge per battery
Aren't Borders plain chocolate gingers a universal currency?
with Jaffa cakes is it just the Mcvitties ones or are other shop brands [counterfeits??] acceptable. Is there a non- destructive test to tell the difference?
I can charge camera batteries at a cost of 4 Jaffa Cakes per charge per battery.
I'm partial to a tea cake, 1.5 tea cakes = 4 Jaffas. So give me 2 tea cakes and you can have 2 chocolate fingers change.