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My birthday is coming up so the boss set me the terrible task of buying my own presents :)
Tenth Wonder Super XL hammock
DD XL tarp
Kelly Kettle Hobo Stove attachment and cook set
and Robin Hartfords Eatweeds Cookbook
Ukko Hip/belt flask from Finland. :)
...a set of bongo drums. I don't know why, it just happened.

Like anyone else, I can't pass by a set of drums without giving them a little rattle. I was in a charity shop and saw the bongo drums and, in a curious quasi-trance like state purchased them.

It was near the beginning of a day of zombie-esque shopping with my wife. I amused myself by giving her shopping adventures a constant jazzy 'beat poetry' narrative "we're entering the shop now...what will we find there...there's so much to choose from...she's sniffing the candles" complete with bongo accompaniment . After a couple of hours of this she decided she'd had enough so we went home. Two hours is an unusually short shopping trip on an average Saturday. As a result, I think I've now found a use for the bongos...

...I plan to use them as a pillow when I'm sleeping on the floor tonight
...a set of bongo drums. I don't know why, it just happened.

Like anyone else, I can't pass by a set of drums without giving them a little rattle. I was in a charity shop and saw the bongo drums and, in a curious quasi-trance like state purchased them.

It was near the beginning of a day of zombie-esque shopping with my wife. I amused myself by giving her shopping adventures a constant jazzy 'beat poetry' narrative "we're entering the shop now...what will we find there...there's so much to choose from...she's sniffing the candles" complete with bongo accompaniment . After a couple of hours of this she decided she'd had enough so we went home. Two hours is an unusually short shopping trip on an average Saturday. As a result, I think I've now found a use for the bongos...

...I plan to use them as a pillow when I'm sleeping on the floor tonight
One cant resist the call of the Bongo.
My birthday is coming up so the boss set me the terrible task of buying my own presents :)
Tenth Wonder Super XL hammock
DD XL tarp
Kelly Kettle Hobo Stove attachment and cook set
and Robin Hartfords Eatweeds Cookbook

Nice haul :D
Let us know how you get on with the book ? it's on my 'maybe like that' list.

A Lansky World Legal slipjoint...


The most solid folding knife I've ever owned, really positive 'lock' for a non-locking knife, Really interesting blade shape, think it will really serve me well. Literally shavng sharp out of the box..I now need to explain why I'm missing a patch of forearm fur.

Oh...and a pack of 4 aluminium nesting cups for a little brew out in the big green spaces. I opened the box they came in with my new Lansksy..and everything else that needed 'Lansky'd'.
I answered the call of Lidl,

Silvercrest Kitchen Tools Vacuum Sealer £24.99

Saving up for a dehydrator next... hoping my own dried meals will turn out better than the shop ones.
I bought a Primus no 5 of tradera.com (swedish ebay)...well in my hand it turned out to be an Optimus no 5 S...it was roughly £10...and it doesnt work :)

Needs som work...


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.