What did you buy today?

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
just the bushcraft-ish stuff, not my many other expensive hobbies: (also technically yesterday, where has the daylight gone??)
recieved today: magnum folding kukri, another mora, bits of brass and copper
bought today: katana blade, viking sword, some bits of wood to make a shield

having an income is not a good thing, i am running out of storage space!
I bought a 500ml tin of Tung Oil.

Having just produced my first ever spoon I've now got the whittling/carving bug!
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Husqvarna Hatchet very happy cannot wait for it to arrive
A new memory stick to replace the one that has gone missing (and which will now turn up, undoubtedly), a set of drill rasps so I can cheat when making bowls, and some origami paper.
two boxes of shelf stable bbq beef sandwhiches from Cabela's,two pair wool 1/2 socks from Big-5,asprin tabs,green scrub pads and 100 rds. of .223 from Walmart..this was 2days ago...vince g. 11B Inf..
Sorry John... I ruined it for you didn't I. :o

Once you had a play with my spoon knives from Dave there was no going back for you was there :rolleyes::lmao:

Gettin palpitations now!
Hopefully today I will be buying some recycled leather, finding a more reliable source of leather, buying roofbars for the van so that I can carry more than one canoe at a time and buying more yeast to make even more wine :)
I got some leather and the roofbars - no yeast though...still searching for a reliable leather source...all I need now is some 1" steel box and some U bolts to make roofbar extenders to take the roofbars to max legal size :)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.