What did you buy today?

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This week so far I have got a new GSI 1litre waterbottle (to go with another of my cup/cooksets),
Mountain equipment waterproof holdall (30litre)
1 large "s" biner (75lb)
A cheap u-digit folding trowel (£1 from poundland)
A cheap folding sit mat (£2)
A mora crook knife (from Clas Olson)
Green and White Inova mini torches
cheap metal waterbottle (£1 from poundland)
and a G-Shock G100 watch (cause my two work watches have just broken this month and needed a replacement quickly)

Going on a couple of walks during my leave so going to be close to some very good outdoor shops so I may be making a few more purchases :)
Went to the local hardware shop and bought 2 different pairs of jubilee clips (£4.30) for attaching blades to elbow adzes, also bought a metal wedge (£1.70) for re doing my splitting maul which started to go after 3 years of hard use. Also got in a spare tube of autosol polish (£3.75) from ther car shop
M.L.D 3500ci exodus
M.L.D solomid in cuben fibre
M.L.D inner net
Evernew titanium alcohol stove
" " trivet
" " solo cook set
Super thin wind shield

I finally succumbed to a MacCat Deluxe tarp which is now on it's way to 2QZQ for additional sewn-on doors and pole pockets before making it's way over to this side of the pond as my regular hammock-tarp. Not that there's anything wrong with my DDXL, I just fancied a bit of specialised kit!
Now don't all shout at me......

I just ordered one of the cheapy Draper set of wood carving tools for seven quid including postage.

As I'm just beginning my whittling career I thought seven tools for a quid each HAS to be worth a punt.

Flame suit on!
Now don't all shout at me......

I just ordered one of the cheapy Draper set of wood carving tools for seven quid including postage.

As I'm just beginning my whittling career I thought seven tools for a quid each HAS to be worth a punt.

Flame suit on!

Very sensible move as far as I'm concerned.

Why spend loads of money on tools that you then find you don't use as you're no good at carving? Also I've seen some very good results by people who have used the tools you've bought. :)
Very sensible move as far as I'm concerned.

Why spend loads of money on tools that you then find you don't use as you're no good at carving? Also I've seen some very good results by people who have used the tools you've bought. :)

That was my logic too.
I got paid last Friday. Checked my bank balance and it showed I had m ore money than I knew I had. Could I resist spending it? Like hell I could. Apart from some shoes I needed for quite some time for normal wear I got a few other Items adding up to more than £300!! I totally shocked myself with that and am still worrying that something is going wrong like it was a typo on my cash machine bank balance.

Waterproof (one of the new Asgard Project, Berghaus jacket with design input from Leo Holding - cool and ultra modern design).
Shoes (as mentioned above with a belt I now know to be too big cue me putting a new hole in it tonight).
Odlo boxers in ultra wicking fabric.

Not very exciting except the waterproof. That is tiny pack size, weighs very little and fits me better than any other technical hard shell ever has. Also Goretexpro with pitzips and doesn't ride up when you lift your arms up such as when scrambling. Although I might get accused of buying it because of the Asgard connection with Leo Holding I got it because it was at a good enough price and matched my needs.

Not Bushcrafty as such but I do want to get something new that is bushy soon. Just can't think what. Saw some nice new titanium esbit stove from some make I hadn't heard of. You know that stove shape which is a tray for the esbit/hexi with three metal pot supports that all fold down to a thin almost flat package weighing something like 12g. Don't know anywhere selling hexi of esbit near me so can't justify getting a Ti stove that I can't get the fuel for locally. Any ideas for a quite cheap bushcrafty thing that I can get. I like very light stuff and titanium.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.