What did you buy today?

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Big purchase this weekend was a garmin fenix 6 multisport watch. I'm using it as motivation to exercise. More than I intended to spend but about £200 off what most other places sell them for. Not bushcraft but it's got useful gps and ABC functions.
Had some unexpected success on ebay so ordered a BCB folding cot/ bed from Heinnie Haynes , the issue sort. Didn' t fancy a second hand for once and couldn't find a unissued Dutch XL one new in the UK. I'm feeling my age so I thought why not when I dont have to carry it far. I've already got a new mossie net for it I picked up on spec years ago. There where unissued folding mattresses to go with floating around the surplus market a year or so back for under 20 quid a pop but I'm darned if I can find a source now.

Speaking of BCB I'm also waiting on a green version of the 58 pattern water bottle and mug, mainly to get the mug, to go with the crusader mug kit I'm rebuilding. On Amazon they are 7 or 8 quid a set new, ironically what paid for them ( well them and a lot more ) was a pair of used, mugless, 60s dated green bottles which evidentally very collectable now.


3 parcels arrived, the Spongs from Merk over in the US the green civy 1958 pat bottle and mug and the flexistove etc from MRE empire.

The sprongs are just the job, there's a bit of flash on the spoon , just enough to offend the scale modeller in me so I'll scrape it off with a scalpel. Handily the bowl is a table spoon big so I can use it when baking to measure.

The green bottle seams well enough made, the mugs slightly smaller than the issue black jobs, I tried it on the ones I have. The bottle doesn't rattle anymore than the others in the crusader mug .

The folk at the MRE Empire chucked in their usual freebie, in this case a second tube of condensed milk. The Fruit Flavour Drink the wife picked, I hope to god its not the same stuff as "screech" as I can live with out her going hyper on me!


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Just got a whole set of different size Fids to make whoopies and the like. Ok they are stainless steel HOLLOW knitting needles now but 5 mins with a Dremel and they are steel fids. £11 for the set.
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Just got a whole set of different size Fids to make whoopies and the like. Ok they are stainless steel HOLLOW knitting needles now but 5 mins with a Dremel and they are steel fids. £11 for the set.
View attachment 71046

I swear... so many of the words you just used sounded straight off the street.... I still have no idea what you said. :)
Just read your comment and I really did LOL. A Fid is a blunt point hollow tube, used to pass cable down through the inner of a 2nd cable. This allow a loop to be formed from burying one end of a cable inside itself. This will lock tight under tension and stop any loss of strength due to knots. A whoppie sling makes use of this idea to make a hammock suspension system. { nowhere near as funny as your comments}
The cot bed arrived, looks sturdy enough but is a bit noisy as it takes a while for the fabric to stretch in.

Does anyone know where you can get the thick folding mattress that goes with? A couple of years back they were all over for 15 to 20 quid a pop unissued, now I can't find any I the UK at all!




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