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Ive been looking for a replacement for my beloved old OG Munro which after 25 plus years has no water proofing left, whatsoever and is rather chavelled in the strap department and patched where it was moused one winter. I also wanted a bit better back system and wider and less bulky shoulder straps and most of all lots of PALs webbing so I could mount MOLLE pouches as required. I thought about getting a new Munro II and have Jay Jays or someone fit PALs straps but OG ones are hard to obtain, every place I contacted only had Cedar and the rest of the possibles tended to be made of lighter material than I wanted, Anyroad, in anticipation of the dosh i will be making in the new year selling off some rare reference books I no longer need herself has ordered me from Tamarack a Savotta Jääkäri M backpack, about 30 litres but able to take 36 supposedly with the floating lid which will be compatible with the cover and dry bag I bought in a vain attempt to revamp the Munro. Tamarack had it with free postage for the lowest price I could find in the UK and have always given me good service. They are only over near Garstang so with any luck I'll get it in a few days, if not thenbetween xmas and new years.

The Munro will still get some use as a day bag around town now I've stripped all the junk I normally have on it while bimbling about the woods

'also picked up a Sol Emergency Bivy after seeing one on a you tube vid, Seamed a lighter option than a old school giant orange rubble sack and a bit more durable than space blanket bag thingies I have in my first aid kit, if a bit bulkier. The whistle cord lock and tinder cord as well as the outsized stuff sack seam nice touches. I've still got 2 and 4 man bothy bags for any serious winter walking.

Pic when it arrives,


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A Bison Splitting Maul (3kg)
Swazi Micro T x 2
Uberleben Hexa 6 Ferro Rod
Ridgeline assorted fleece layers (my go to now, brilliant kit)
The parcel from Taramack arrived a couple ofhours back and I've been test fitting various bits of Molle to it. I doubt I'll ever use them all at once but it wax fun playing with them. The pouches are a mix of Helikon and Condor.



It's not worth a post of it's own but I cobbled together a shoulder strap for the E & E pouch from a spare Berghaus side pocket strap and some tape.


I swapped the 1980s private purchase large mess tin and lid/ frying pan I'd set up for herself as a emergency hot drink and food kit for the car for the stainless steel BCB Crusader mess tin as the former had corroded from a Oxo cube leaking and I'd found the latter just too small for boil in the bag meals. It took a inordinate length of time to grind then polish the pitting out of the inside of the tin so it's back to the standard I'm happy to use but it's done now.

Happy Christmas folks !


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A Rennie the size of a settee cushion is what I should have bought! After dieting for more than six months I not so much fell off it as hurled myself off a cliff, Disney Lemming style yesterday and am now suffering for it...

The mother in law was very generous with her gift so I was able to indulge myself with a set of unissued Dutch army stainless steel mess tins from Military Mart and I findely found some one who could sell me one of those Swedish hunters frying pans that I was sniffing about for a supplier in the UK for earlier this year. OK they are still overseas but the postage is about what you pay in the UK, £3.99, and they didn't have the 21cm one with the folding handle but since the XL is only about two and a half inches bigger in diameter and I'd hardly be using it in my light weight kit anyway I thought what the hell! I'll make the obligatory roll top waxed canvas case for it, remove the screw for the handle and replace it with a peg on a chain so it can be carried disassembled. More than likely I'll leave the handle at home and whittle a new one as required. I'll probably end up turning a longer handle as well , like I've seen some use, I think the Myford can handle 30 inches.

I will keep my eye out for a small shovel head with about the same taper to the socket so the long handle can fit that as we'll.

The design of the hinge reminds me of some Roman and medieval frying pans which have a sliding collar to lock the pan handle open. Not a big deal in normal usage but it makes washing up easier and my non locking comedy sized Hillbilly frying pan has closed up unexpetedly a few times, pure user error, and nearly caused damage. Yeah about time I fitted a Collar to that.

I better restock on rice bran oil as that's the best stuff I've found for seasoning steel and I'm near out.

STABILOTHERM - Jägerpfanne XL mit Klappgriff Holz - Skillet​

Is what's coming in a couple of weeks, I wasn't going to try and spell any of that!

Lastly and not a actually ordered yet as I've only just heard back from the nice chap who makes them, a Ally lid to go on the Dutch steel messtins. Its the chap who does the Crusader lids on ebay and currently he only has those up for sales so I sent him a message and he can sort me out one to fit the large tin. I have a beat up Dutch Ally one which is the same size and the private purchase lid I have to fit on UK Ally tins isn't the right size. Pics when i have them.


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Like Columbo reaching the the door, just one more thing....

A dozen Arktis twizzle pegs from Endicots to replace the rubbish Chinese copies which kept breaking which I got to replace the real things that had steadily got lost since the late 80s or early 90s. I may paint the T bars on them in a high viz colour this time.


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A pair of overpants.

my next goal will be a replacement for the also-lost Leatherman "supertool"
Get the surge
i got it last may for birthday, wonderfull

just got a set of bosch jigsaw blade assortment for xmas, fits in the pouch, so can swop out for whatever blade I want, push, hacksaw etc.

the drill bits are weak metal, so I ground down the plug of a normal screwdriver bit set, and use that to save the head of the one that comes witht he surge
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Costco Merino Wool Blend Socks.

Quite impressed with these: they come in a pack of 4 pairs for ~18 quid, 57% merino, 40% nylon. Feel pretty well made, very warm.

They seem to be designed in a similar way to Bridgedale merino socks, with a smooth toe seam and reinforcements to the heel and toes (with the added bonus of being a quarter of the price!)

Unfortunately they only seem to be available in store and not on the Costco website.
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Get the surge
i got it last may for birthday, wonderfull

just got a set of bosch jigsaw blade assortment for xmas, fits in the pouch, so can swop out for whatever blade I want, push, hacksaw etc.

the drill bits are weak metal, so I ground down the plug of a normal screwdriver bit set, and use that to save the head of the one that comes witht he surge
thanks for the heads-up :-) the one i lost was the original "supertool" which isn't in production anymore :'( (the "surge" is one of my candidates for a replacement (together with its successor , the "supertool 300")) can't find it right now, but a while ago i watched a youtube clip of a woman who was on "Alone" and took a modified "surge" -- she seems to like to hear herself talking but she had some interesting ideas...
getting a new Leatherman has to wait until next year*
(and until i scrape the funds together), so there's no rush... :)

* still 2021 for 7more hours here :p
I pulled the trigger on an 8 inch Pathfinder skillet with lid, it arrived yesterday and it was love at first sight. Cooked a mean stew last night and fried some eggs this morning, no worries. This is one item that is guaranteed to get a lot of use.

A large quantity of food and drink. So damn cold (-30C), that nobody wants to stick their noses out of the door for more than a sprint to the vehicles. Fortunately, there's almost no wind at all here when it's very cold.
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A pricey Umbrella.
Ahh, tell us about it please?
I've been wanting to get my daughter a decent brolly for some time now and although I don't mind paying a bit for one, it better damn well last if I'm forking out 70 quid for it so I keep putting it off.
Ahh, tell us about it please?
I've been wanting to get my daughter a decent brolly for some time now and although I don't mind paying a bit for one, it better damn well last if I'm forking out 70 quid for it so I keep putting it off.

It was rather more than that.
Its one of the unbreakable carbon fibre types.

Not cheap but when I look back on how many cheap umbrellas i've had or seen that are ruined by one strong gust by being turned inside out I'm hoping it lasts a good amount of time.
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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.