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A Summit Stainless steel tiffin cookset.

I do not really need one, but I am creating a ONE PERSON kitchen box...My main one, which works beautifully is for two people...its big and indeed heavy.

So, to sanitise my packing a little, Im now making a smaller one.

That looks good, Ive made a similar kitchen box with a very similar sized billy set, a coleman feather and a Aldi collapsible sink/bowl/crate thing. I found the billy set in a backpack abandoned after glastonbury festival sat buried for 9 months, quite a good find. backpack had been turned in to an ants nest.
Its pretty good for the price.

The frying pan has no handle so you will need a pot lifter.

The handles on the two pots are flipover ones, like mess tins, so you will need to be careful.

The KFS is dinky-do...but maybe that is what you want. (size of a teaspoon set)

My measure of the worth of Stainless is does it flex if you squeeze it. Yes it does flex...but its robust too.

I only got it because Dad offered to get me one; and in the Dadverse there is only one store; Argos.

My original idea was one of those three piece sets with a kettle; this is not in my estimation a perfect set but it is compact, respectable quality and presumably durable, plus I think he paid about £10.
About 6 weeks ago I sent off for a bunch of gear, used it all this weekend:

I got a Lanshan 2 tent
12 TiTo Titanium V Pegs (for the lanshan)
KODENOR Treking poles (for the lanshan)
UL80 sleeping mat and pillow
Naturehike Rock series Rucksack Backpack 60 + 5L
Boundless Voyage Titanium Tongs 17cm (I'll be getting the 25 cm ones too)
Wildo fold-a-cup 600ml
I also got a new 24L cooler box, very much an improvement at my leaky cooler bag.

Photos of them in use:




I got some ripstop to make a groundsheet for the tent.



I'm defo going to mod the guyline setup it comes with.



Plenty of space for one person in the tent


Ordered just now by herself for my birthday, a Robin Wood carving axe and a Rotring 600 0.5mm pencil. I'll make a mask/case for the former to fit on a strap or belt.


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About 6 weeks ago I sent off for a bunch of gear, used it all this weekend:

I got a Lanshan 2 tent
12 TiTo Titanium V Pegs (for the lanshan)
KODENOR Treking poles (for the lanshan)
UL80 sleeping mat and pillow
Naturehike Rock series Rucksack Backpack 60 + 5L
Boundless Voyage Titanium Tongs 17cm (I'll be getting the 25 cm ones too)
Wildo fold-a-cup 600ml
I also got a new 24L cooler box, very much an improvement at my leaky cooler bag.

How did you get on with the pillow? I've been looking for a decent one as I sleep on my side and need to give good support for my head and neck
Yup, I'm now looking for a cheap sample pack of the 3 grades of self adhesive wet and dry he recommends for sharpening it in a video hes done. It's 8 quid a 2.5m roll and the method doesn't suit me it will £24 wasted!



Ps herself has managed to change the order for the Rotring 600 0.5mm pencil toa Rotring 600 2mm clutch pencil, of which we had been unaware of. The working end of the mechanical 600 is a bit fragile and well, stabby for field use so we were looking at the retracting point 800 series but stumbled on the clutch 600 which would be anyway better for sketching and note taking , is far more robust and I just happen to have 17 packs of various leads for, bought on spec' on a carboot years ago.
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The Wood Tools carving axe arrived under 48 hrs after being ordered and i'm very pleased with it!

There was some scale from the grinding in from the wickedly sharp polished bevel that probably would have had no effect on actually use but i used Gerryflex blocks to remove it and my dying bench grinder to give it a polish with black paste. Its now in a linseed oil bath overnight. I manfully resisted the urge to take scrappers and fine sandpaper to the handle as the slight roughness is intentional to improve grip.


Tomorrow I'll pull it from the oil and let it cure, periodically wiping off anything that weeps out of the grain in this heat. then I'll make a mask/case for it.


The Wood Tools carving axe arrived under 48 hrs after being ordered and i'm very pleased with it!

There was some scale from the grinding in from the wickedly sharp polished bevel that probably would have had no effect on actually use but i used Gerryflex blocks to remove it and my dying bench grinder to give it a polish with black paste. Its now in a linseed oil bath overnight. I manfully resisted the urge to take scrappers and fine sandpaper to the handle as the slight roughness is intentional to improve grip.


Tomorrow I'll pull it from the oil and let it cure, periodically wiping off anything that weeps out of the grain in this heat. then I'll make a mask/case for it.


I love my axe, got the sheath with mine


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.