What did you buy today?

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
4 season sleeping bag
Vango self inflating sleep mat
Lexida woodgas stove, and pans
Headlamp, red & white light

That was it for today, but more to come tomorrow ����

Grabs these from the charity shop, the top one is from IKEA

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While out and about in deal yesterday I popped into wh smiths and picked up a copy of bushcraft and survival magazine, noticed today the new one is out as of 25th Feb, popped down to my local one and found they don't stock it, will probably pop across and get it from the one in deal tomorrow, may as well pop into machine mart while I'm over there, rude not too :)
Yesterday, 3 British Army KF shirts for £1 each, I've had some bargains from charity shops but this was about as good as it gets, not sure that any of them had actually ever been worn before (though it's hard to tell as these things are nearly indestructible)

A couple of thing for me. Firstly a set of Kelly Kettle nesting cups as I realised I had either lost or left behind my single walled cups. Secondly a metal lid for my Crusader cook set.
Micro Stove, photo'd beside an AAA battery, 2 of these stoves would fit in the supplied pouch, need to try a test burn with this tiny cute little thing.
My 2nd Sawyer mini. I got fed up rooting out my bergan to take the one I use for camping trips every time I was going out for the day. It made absolute sense to buy another one to leave in my daysack.

My wife doesn't think that's a justifiable putrchase...you guys get it though, huh?


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.