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I bought a Hilleberg Nallo 2 GT today...The wife's reaction will, most likely, be...well...spectacular...

At least you'll have a bombproof place to live when she chucks you out. :D Fantastic tent.

Sent via smoke-signal from a woodland in Scotland.
She is going to sleep in it come August, when we go for a walk-about in the mountains (Padjelanta)...so it's is not an complete act of selfishness. Close though.
At today's carboot i picked up a peugeot hatchet for £2, a cobblers hammer for £3 and the one axe i have been after for 20 years a 4lb kent pattern side axe for £1.50,yes it need welding but I am well chuffed :) DSCF4434.jpg
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Another of Mr Westermanns TWCA Cams. The business card that came with it states "hand forged excellence" and I have to say I can't disagree! ImageUploadedByTapatalk1432816325.922854.jpg

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Proud new owner of DD Frontline hammock, DD 3x3 tarp, a sparkly new Morakniv, stainless steel billy can and a 6ftx6ft canvas tarp.

Son got a DD Camping hammock, DD 3x3 tarp, a micro gas stove, thermal vest and a spork.

Few more bits to get and we're off to the woods :)
I couldn't resist a hemp Tilley hat when we were wandering around Cambridge. Shop called Open Air. First place I've seen to stock the fjallraven clothes. Wasn't allowed to buy anything apart from the hat though.
I couldn't resist a hemp Tilley hat when we were wandering around Cambridge. Shop called Open Air. First place I've seen to stock the fjallraven clothes. Wasn't allowed to buy anything apart from the hat though.

Oh the hats enough for one day. Of all the Tillys and hats I have the hemp one is the best. Ages well, looks good, comfy in all weathers.

Sent via smoke-signal from a woodland in Scotland.
Oh the hats enough for one day. Of all the Tillys and hats I have the hemp one is the best. Ages well, looks good, comfy in all weathers.

Sent via smoke-signal from a woodland in Scotland.

I've worn my one out, got to send it away for a replacement.

Then I get all the joy of breaking in the new one :/
I've worn my one out, got to send it away for a replacement.

Then I get all the joy of breaking in the new one :/

You sound like my mate Belzeebob. He wears one every day all day for work. So much that folk know him by it and nicknamed him Indy (after Dr. Jones), he's worn out about 5 Tilleys over the years and they've replaced the lot and let him keep to kaput ones for his wall of memories.
The hemp one does age nicely though, mine looks awesome at the moment if I do say so myself. :D

Sent via smoke-signal from a woodland in Scotland.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.