Duration of the Moot

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How long should the Moot be?

  • Total voters
I must admit I voted for 10 days, to be frank its a big part of my summer holidays, and obviously you want to increase them as much as possible, and thats by adding weekends, 5 days becomes 9.

I also agree with the free days, the mods and the guys running the courses MUST have free time, just like the rest of us, or where is the incentive for them.

To be totally frank I think a few things need to change, dogs, kids and camp layouts.

Dogs, that seems to have been settled apart from the owners dogs :rolleyes:

Kids, I'm sorry I know they are on holiday too, but they need tighter control, there were to many kids thinking it was quite alright to run thru and about other peoples camps, and I think we had at least 2 lost souls at Scots corner.

Layouts, Hmm this may be a controversial one, but there were a few instances of large groups taking over both sides of a main path, and then getting annoyed when people wanted to get to, for example the toilet block, I think that needs addressed.

To be frank in the amount of area we had to spread out in, it amazed me how closed packed people were !, campsite metality perhaps, shrug.

Yeah Yeah I bitched, I'm still going next year tho :D

I kind of like the idea of keeping the moots short and having more of them. The reason for this is I think long events can get a little stale. Also there tends to be a ‘siege’ camping ethos with base camps if you’re going to stay put for a long time. I don’t think this is particularly light on the environment.
Also a week is a long holiday commitment to most. By that I mean long stretches of time are, in my humble opinion, better spent in really wild places that take some getting to.(i.e. expeditions in the bush). Weekends on the other hand are numerous and can be done last minute and light.
I think the long weekend is a good length; you can hit it hard on the learning stuff, and then go away on your own later to practice in your own time.
I've found that there are often 2 or 3 workshops that I fancy, that all take place at the same time. Perhaps some of the leaders would be prepared to do 2 sessions each, and arrange the timetable in advance so that the people have a better chance of doing sesions that don't clash? (Any school teachers here that are good at timetabling?)
Selling time "slots" would allow people to fill midweek or weekend spaces and still avoid the site becoming overcrowded.

If people cannot afford all of the longer event they could opt for a shorter stay which allows other people to attend the rest of the event.

A longer event makes things more flexible rather than less.

Running more than one event means double the logistical effort where as a longer event only requires setting up once.

The workshops could be spread out more, allowing more sociable time and time to explore the local area.

I certainly think there is a lot to be said for a longer event and spreading it over two weekends makes the best use of peoples available time and increases access for the membership.

What wayland said.... Makes sense to me :D
I've found that there are often 2 or 3 workshops that I fancy, that all take place at the same time. Perhaps some of the leaders would be prepared to do 2 sessions each, and arrange the timetable in advance so that the people have a better chance of doing sesions that don't clash? (Any school teachers here that are good at timetabling?)

Most workshops did run more than once, some 3 times and the main framework for the sessions was done in advance. There's always going to be workshops that people find conflict, that's why i posted the info months ago about taking it as it comes. people should not go expecting to do specific things because it might not happen or there might be a conflict of workshops.

Those running workshops have the priority on when the workshops run, that's when they go into the timetable and that's how it's likely to continue. there will always be conflicts, it's up to you to decide which you want to do more and if you can't do the other look forward to the next opportunity.
I think that it might be better for the Moot to start on Saturday ? from say mid-day onwards. It could be better for folks as it would mean they would not have to try and blag the Friday off to attend the Moot and beleive me, if this year was anything to go by, you needed to be smart off the mark to get a decent place to pitch your tent...
OK OK we should have brought a tarp and hammock !!!!
I think that a longer Moot would be better, it gives more time to learn and socialise with like minded people
I think it would be fairer, if the Moot is longer, that Tony finds a way to organize willing volunteers to help Mods with the general running of things during the week.
I think it would be fairer, if the Moot is longer, that Tony finds a way to organize willing volunteers to help Mods with the general running of things during the week.

That's fair comment.

People have mentioned that getting time off for a ten day event could be quite awkward, this could be an even larger problem for the organisers (be they mod, admin or member). They may have to spend upto an extra 4 days setting things up on site / travelling and if you only get a set number of days leave a year this could take a lot of your annual leave time in one fell swoop.

Those that teach may have more time to teach their subjects on site, but it doesn't actually mean that they can get or spare the time off work. So people may still lose out on lectures / demo's that they wished to attend as the people teaching may not be able to afford the time off / away from work.

Don't get me wrong, I do like the idea of ten days, but there are certain practicalities that will need to be observed and that's why I said 7 days.
I voted 10 days because I was swayed by the "more flexibility for people attending" argument, but now I want to change to 7 days - what Leon said. :-D

I have the ability to change the numbers, but I cannot edit who has voted, so your name would stay on the list of people who voted for ten even if I cooked the books to make your vote count somewhere else. If you wish it changed I can do it and have a word with Admin to get your name moved from one to the other.
There is no perfect answer to how long the Bushmoot is. We could debate this for ever !!!Maybe for next year we have 7 days and see how it goes ? It is obvious that the majority want a longer Moot.
I think that asking for volunteers to come along with the set up is a great idea. It would not take extra time to set up a longer Moot if there were enough people to help out.

(pouts cus i don't know how to do emoticons !!!)
I'm very much in the mind of two, seasonal, moots. I voted 7 days because that would suit me, but I can see an advantage of a 10 day moot with its increased flexibility for those who want it.

I have not yet been able to get to one because of commitments. So I am very keen on the idea of getting a second bite at the cherry later in the year.

Tony, you are right that this thread should provide a strong, lasting batch of ideas.

I think Tony said that two moots is alot harder to organise than one long moot. Personally Id vote for two long moots but that would be mean :)
what about 9 days sat to sun but include setup and takedown at either end so the staff get some help. also a volunteer staff group so the mods get a few days off to enjoy themselves.
I have the ability to change the numbers, but I cannot edit who has voted, so your name would stay on the list of people who voted for ten even if I cooked the books to make your vote count somewhere else. If you wish it changed I can do it and have a word with Admin to get your name moved from one to the other.

I'm not too worrried where my name appears, but if you could move my vote, that would be great.

I vote 10 days.
I am greedy.
I can do the time.
My wife likes it when I am away from home.
I will make the money (somehow).

I would also be keen on Multiple Moots - for the same reasons.

I was well in profit from the bring an' buy...t'was a top Idea:beerchug:
Plus I spent some o' that 'profit' on a couple o' raffle tickets....an' came home wi' a smile larger than the black pearls anchor!....:D :D
I voted 7 days...cos I love being there wi' ye alls.....tis the highlight o' me year!....What?....oh....apart from our anniversary.....yes dear:lmao: :lmao:
What ever the time scale of the event, I'm just glad that this year I'll actually be able to attend from the start!:D
It will be the first time since joining BCUK!!!


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