Duration of the Moot

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How long should the Moot be?

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White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
There was a unanimous vote for a longer Moot when we had our feedback session on Tuesday morning, Unanimous for a 7 day vote and a large majority for a 10 day Moot which would run from Friday through to the following Sunday, thus allowing people to take a week off and it not affect anything else.

If we moved to a longer Moot format we could spread the workshops a little more and we would also introduce some more free time to practice and explore.

What would you like?
I voted for 7 days, which I think is a perfect length, as it would give people a chance to do all the workshops they wanted, and still leave time for socialising, or repeating workshops that were overbooked. I’d like to say that I feel that the arrival time on the first day be moved to earlier. Maybe 10am, that would give people a chance to set up and then explore the site.
To be honest I'd say leave it at 5 days. But I've voted for 7 days: as I like the idea of practicing / do some sightseeing and relaxing ;) Even if there are no free days it still would be great, because workshops are more spread (something like: day 1 in the afternoon, day 2 morning and afternoon, day 3 see day 1, day 4 see day 2, etc.).

I wouldn't go for a 10 day option. Eventhough people have their own responsibility: camping out for 10 days, leaving on sunday - and start work on monday, wouldn't be a good idea to me. Especially not if you've got a long drive home ...

Besides that: what about organisation?

Another argument for not going for a 10 day Moot is the amount of succes it will have: 7 days is only 2 days longer than 5. So that's more easy to cover than double the amount of days in 1 year (from 5 to 10 days).
Yes, alot of people where enthusiast when the 10 day proposal was made. But don't forget that was in the heat of the moment: the end of 5 good days. I reckon if you'd do a 10 day Moot and ask at the end who's up to 20 days you probably get the same amount of reactions ;) Bushcrafters just like their drink and starting fires ;)

You don't learn a baby to run, before it can walk properly :p

My 2 eurocents :)
I've only been to one a couple of years ago but think the length was about right. To be perfectly honest, I'd have trouble clearing any longer with the wife!

What about introducing one or more moots, rather than extending the length of the current one? What about 4 seasonal moots?
7 days would be great especially if the workshop leaders were willing to repeat workshops a couple of times, that way it wouldn't be such a struggle to choose between all the fantastic things on offer!
I've voted for 7. With 5 days (effectively a 3-day event if you discount the set-up and pack-up days), I just didn't have time to relax and enjoy the surroundings because there were so many organised things I wanted to do...but I'm not sure I'd want to be out in the field for 10 days with British Summer weather.

I've only been to one a couple of years ago but think the length was about right. To be perfectly honest, I'd have trouble clearing any longer with the wife!

What about introducing one or more moots, rather than extending the length of the current one? What about 4 seasonal moots?

Ive never been to one but plan on going to the next - as much as I prefer to be outside I am also realistic about having to balance work/life/woodcraft - I wish it wasnt this way but it is, if the moot was 10days then having to explain to the wife that I plan to take nearly a 1/3rd of my annual leave to spend it with the BCUK lot take some doing.

Therefore I think that scanker's idea of seasonal moots is a great idea and one that i had earlier in the year (to be honest I somehow had it in my head that there was a BCUK summer and winter moot).

Not only would 2x5day moots be easier to balance with life and stuff but if it was different seasons then it would provide an opportunity to show different skills appropriate to the season.

Just a thought.

- back to cough medicine and my snugpak bag on the sofa with man flu
If there were no other considerations, I'd love to attend a moot of 7, 10 or more days. It would give scope for sight-seeing in the locality and repetition of workshops which would be welcome from a personal point of view. For this summers moot, I took the friday and the subsequent week off work - it allowed me to pack the car up, drive down, set up our camp and get sorted before nightfall, then time to dry and sort the gear once I returned. If I had worked the friday, I'd never have made it, and the weather during & after the moot necessitated several days drying out.
Extending the moot to seven days, I could cope with as it still only merits one week away from work. Many families need a day to prepare and arrive, as well as a day to sort their gear when they return home. Ten days with children in the "Welsh sunshine" that we endured this year might not be so comfortable for so many.
The formula we have at the moment works well and is oversubscribed, so I would suggest a cautious extension to seven days to encompass a day or so free midweek for resupply and a breather. I do enjoy attending a whole event as it brings a sense of belonging and I wouldn't want to miss out on the last nights celebrations for the same reason.

Not the only considerations but something to be going on with.


Ogri the trog
Therefore I think that scanker's idea of seasonal moots is a great idea and one that i had earlier in the year (to be honest I somehow had it in my head that there was a BCUK summer and winter moot).

Not only would 2x5day moots be easier to balance with life and stuff but if it was different seasons then it would provide an opportunity to show different skills appropriate to the season.

I tend to agree, 2x5day moots would be good. That way if you weren't able to make one you may be able to make the other. This year was my first after three years of missing out but I still only managed a 3 day weekend due to work commitments :(

If it was just the one Moot I would probably go for 7 days and hope that work permitted :sigh:
An advantage of ten days is that while some could do the whole thing, often people find a weekend is committed to something else.

With a ten day event you could still fit in a seven day attendance even if one or other weekend is unavailable.
I think the problem with the 10 days option is that the cost will be a lot more than most people are willing to pay

If the moot ends up as a ‘ten day’ moot then would hope that there would be two price bands
One for people booking 6 nights and one for people booking 9 nights (and of course, a price per night for people who want to pay on the day)

Two price bands would mean people who want only to stay for seven days will not be forced to pay 6x the day rate which could work out expensive (allowing for inflation) it would work out at £132. if you had a seven day (six night) package of say £90 per person and a 10 day (nine night) package of £140
Selling time "slots" would allow people to fill midweek or weekend spaces and still avoid the site becoming overcrowded.

If people cannot afford all of the longer event they could opt for a shorter stay which allows other people to attend the rest of the event.

A longer event makes things more flexible rather than less.

Running more than one event means double the logistical effort where as a longer event only requires setting up once.

The workshops could be spread out more, allowing more sociable time and time to explore the local area.

I certainly think there is a lot to be said for a longer event and spreading it over two weekends makes the best use of peoples available time and increases access for the membership.
All these thoughts and comments are great :D

Let me point out now that I will not increase the workload of people volunteering their time to share in the workshops, we would spread things out a little and also have more free time for people, this could be free time for impromptu workshops that happen, excursions (some could bring canoes and find a river for the day and things like that.)

Most things can be worked around logistically so all thoughts are appreciated. If we did a longer event it would work as Wayland describes in the post above, we'd fill time/date slots so that it's not too crowded and things are spread out nicely.

I want to sort out dates so i'm eager to decide on what were doing :D The weekend for the Moot start next year should be the Friday 31st July and it will run to the Tue, or the Thu or event the following Sun :D
I've voted for 10 though I would prefer 9, travel there on the Sat and Travel home on the following Sun, that would mean just 1 week off work. It took us over 7 hours to get to this years moot and that seemed a long way for just 3 days (the other 2 spent travelling) and not seeing any of Wales so we booked another campsite but ended up packing away soaking wet tents then re pitching a soaking wet tent and wasting a whole day in the process, Within the site the rain didn't seem to bother us and we would have much prefered to stay.
How long did the mootley crew stay? maybe the people who would like longer could help set up and dismantle the site? I would def be up for that
I want to sort out dates so i'm eager to decide on what were doing :D The weekend for the Moot start next year should be the Friday 31st July and it will run to the Tue, or the Thu or event the following Sun :D
My next question has been answered, and I've just booked my holiday for next year :You_Rock_
Selling time "slots" would allow people to fill midweek or weekend spaces and still avoid the site becoming overcrowded.

Good point Wayland, I like your thinking.

Would that mean that some of the workshops would be repeated for those people who were not attending all week? I could see this potentially being a problem for those running the workshops if they wanted more free time to themselves.

Thanks for the dates Tony now where's my holiday booking form?
Ogris' post is eerily like my own thoughts, and exactly the same leave period I opted for. 10 days is not gonna be doable for many people, but this does free up the site for others so that there may be a bit of an overlap of bushcrafters. I would agree with the go up to 7 days for next year and take it from there. have you got any feedback and thoughts from the people who came from the various schools and what not? Will they be willing to take a week out of their schedule to come and instruct us for a massively discounted price? If they do, it is greatly appreciated, and i know it is good advertising for themselves so can work both ways.
I've gone with five days, but my preference would be Thurs-Tues with workshops on Fri/Sat/Mon and Sun with nothing planned.
Im all for ten days, It allows people who want to stay for a week, it also allows for people who only have weekends free,they can choose to do one weekend or two weekends if they can put up with the travel. Id prefer ten days because I dont get much chance to get out otherwise, and Id like to have some extra free time at the moot just to practice skills. On another point, Bridgend is rather removed for most people, the travel down there is long and tiresome, especially if you live somewhere like scotland, so a longer event would make it more worth while.


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