Cegga group buy - the final thread!

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as i say before i know that one axe was send wrong but i know where that axe are but not where it's rigth owner are yet hope that scorpio can help to find it ?? Had bean so good if all had write the shipping address on paypal we work on it and hope to find it fast
Nothing arrived here today either :(
Just checking - I left a note with my paypal payment saying it was from DFCA, when I looked at the email I sent seperately with delivery details, I seem to have not said it was DFCA. Did one get posted to Newport in South Wales or is it my one gone astray maybe?

Jonathans still has not arrived either. I've just popped in there on the way back from work. Royal Mail do not always leave cards though.
Mine has arrived safely. Many thanks, Chris

v-ness -arrived
korvin karbon - Arrived
shaggystu arrived
_scorpio_ arrived
trunks - arrived
mayfly Arrived
satosato Arrived
kimba Arrived
right... lets see what we can do about yours DFCA, could you send me your address again and i will check with cegga if it was sent to you.

are you sure jonathans couldnt have been sent elsewhere (workplace or something)??
Jonathan said it was addressed to his office. I did not get chance to stop by today, so it will probably be Monday morning before I can swing by and check again. The sorting office do not keep them for long before they get sent back, the woman told me four days only, so if I miss it, I'll be in the dog house.
hmmm... thats a problem... there is an axe that was sent incorrectly, but i dont know who's axe it is!
familne hasnt mentioned anything yet either... i hope he got his (or didnt get 2..).
TBH i have no idea what to do.
i will try to contact familne and make sure his has got there... i dont understand where the other axe is though...
ok, so am i right to say that there would appear to be at least 2 axes missing at the moment, jonathanD and DFCA being the people missing theirs, and familne unknown so far?

Jonathan D I am sure that I send the axe to

how about DFCA and familne? is there any chance that DFCA and familne could get back to cegga and give him their postal addresses again, that way cegga will be able to see if he's sent one to that address or not?

Jonathan D I am sure that I send the axe to

Don't worry Cegga. I am checking in as often as I can to his office. If I've missed it Jonathan said it would be returned to you by the post office after a few days (did you put a return address on?). Up until now though, most of his post has been signed for by the solicitors in the office next door as they are in same building. It is doing my head in to be honest and is the last thing I have outstanding from his list of things to look after. I will keep checking, but I am not stressing about it as he can sort it out once he gets back. I might check the sorting office again to be on the safe side. I hate going to his office during the day as one of the partners next door thinks he is Gods Gift to women and really tries it on.
I sent a message to Cegga last night with my delivery address just to check.

Also, the postie has been and gone again today with nothing for me :(

Sorry, I've not received an axe as I've not paid for it yet due to unexpected vet bills so if anyone wants to take my place that's fine.

so, just to really clarify the situation here

scorpio - paid and recieved
v-ness - paid and recieved
kimba - paid and recieved
neafearjustbeer - paid and recieved
trunks - paid and recieved
satosato - paid and recieved
korvinkarbon - paid and recieved
mayfly - paid and recieved

which leaves:

jonathanD - paid, not recieved but definately posted
familne - pulled out of group buy
DFCA - paid, not recieved, postage unknown
shaggystu - paid X1 recieved X2

so unless anyone has any objection to this i'll be getting in touch with DFCA to arrange to get his axe to him. is that ok with everyone involved?

I'd happily take familnes place if someone can tell me how to make the payment, but obviously I don't want to queue jump if there is already a list of people in waiting. Please advise
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that's good do so and then i send you the money it cost for you to send the axes to him
so, just to really clarify the situation here

scorpio - paid and recieved
v-ness - paid and recieved
kimba - paid and recieved
neafearjustbeer - paid and recieved
trunks - paid and recieved
satosato - paid and recieved
korvinkarbon - paid and recieved
mayfly - paid and recieved

which leaves:

jonathanD - paid, not recieved but definately posted
familne - pulled out of group buy
DFCA - paid, not recieved, postage unknown
shaggystu - paid X1 recieved X2

so unless anyone has any objection to this i'll be getting in touch with DFCA to arrange to get his axe to him. is that ok with everyone involved?



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