Cegga / BR axes - Third Group Buy

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Happy birthday on Saturday mate :D

All the best to you.

Have a great day,


Thanks. I'll be the same age as the axe cost so it is destiny that I have it. At least that is what I am telling the wife :D

Cegga - theres normally a three day spread or so in the UK - rural dwellers like me - seem to get post a little later - as do Scotland, NI etc.

I'm hopeful Johns will be there tomorrow or the next day


I would not mind but I am only 10 miles from Glasgow Airport. I bet tinderbox and warthog's axes probably passed my house in a van :rolleyes:

Still I am going away on a canoe trip for a few days from next Tuesday night so as long as it is here then I will be fine :)
Must have got mine during the week, i was on holiday. (Axe course) And what a thing to come back to. A thing of beauty!!

I really like the design i think it will replace my SFA for most trips and my wildlife hatchet completely.

Very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very HAPPY

Glad you liked it Shinken - Cegga was blown away by your generosity so its important you were pleased.

So, a little bit happy :D

Got mine on Friday but was away for a couple of days (not Bushcrafting) so could not use it. It is superb. My Wildlife hatchet is definitely surplus now.

I will be having a few days off canoeing this week so it will be getting a good test then.

Thanks to Red and Cegga again.
Hi !!
Now I get a PM from Red that all axes come to the right owner :)
I just want to say :thanks: :thanks: to you all and hope the axe will be what you expected
and maybe there will be some more red axes before the summer I start to make some when I dont have tools for the dubbel thats coming next . If you not become tired on them ?
So :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: and a special one for Shinken you know why :You_Rock_
I've finally had the chance to give my Cegga axe its first proper workout. Whilst on site doing some research (as partially outlined on this thread http://www.bushcraftuk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=22146 ) I was asked if I could cut a stump down to ground level. Yes I know... I bought it with the intention of not using it as a wood wholloper - All best plans of Mice and Men etc. Quite obviously I agreed to help out :D . First comment was 'Wow, that's sharp!' Second was 'Where'd you get it?'. A few minutes later the stump was as close to ground level as I could get. Could I have cut it to ground level? Simple answer is a big resounding.....NO!!!. It was three foot down the side of a half full ditch, added to the problem was that it was partially sub-merged and it's not easy to use an axe safely while you're semi-inverted. Retrospectively I think that I should have asked 'Where exactly is this tree stump?' Truely impressive axe Cegga, thankyou for the opportunity to own it and thanks again to Red for organising the group buy.
To you both - :You_Rock_
Hi !!
Now I shall have a holyday for 6 weeks and I don´t have any computer where I am. So if there are any problem with the axes I can not answer under this time .You can try to PM Red he have my phone number if there any thing wrong, if he are home . He can give the number. So just call and I stop my holyday to fix it :drive:
A good summer to you all .
Hi Cegga,
Through your axe you have brought me much joy. Nothing would make me disturb your well earned break. Hope you enjoy every moment of your holiday.


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