Cegga group buy - the final thread!

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sorry but i dont know! im getting a bit worried about it now... i have emailed him but not got any replies.
maybe his priority's are elsewhere at the moment, we will have to wait and see im afraid.
Has anyone heard any further from Cegga yet on the next batch of axes for this GB please? Last time I communicated with Scorpio he had been unable to contact him. Perhaps someone has a email address or phone number for Cegga or they could have a word if they know him please? An update would be useful even if it is to say that he is a little overworked right now and it may be a week or two further.

Sorry to sound dumb but what are cegga axes? I'm guessing they are the axes made by Cegga but I read somewhere a Brit designed them??? What are the designs? What makes them good? What are the prices? And what is the best small one for a pack?

Also where do you get them from?
Sorry to sound dumb but what are cegga axes? I'm guessing they are the axes made by Cegga but I read somewhere a Brit designed them??? What are the designs? What makes them good? What are the prices? And what is the best small one for a pack?

Also where do you get them from?

I've got his viking style, and its a great axe, if you check my back posts, they'll be some photo's of it.

lynx, i cannot tell you what is going on because he still has not replied. he has several emails and PM's from me, but he isnt replying so what can i do? maybe his computer isnt working? maybe he cant afford to sell his axes at the group buy price.
last i heard was on 5th April:

Sorry that i not answer before but I have get some bigs order on some
axes i have to get ready so i am full of work for the moment
The axes i start for you i have 20 heat traet and 10 are almost grind
but i have to stop work on them rigth now but i hope to have 10 ready
soon can not say more on time rigth know

there is no point me updating you with whats going on if nothing has happened, and as soon as he emails me i will tell you.
I guess I am a little enthusiastic! :-) I appreciate there is nothing you can do without communication Scorpio but just thought I would do what I could to help with this. I am sure that Cegga will surface again in due course. I guess I will just have to learn to be patient.
I understand this is an old thread, but i feel things need to be said here.
Due to a lack of contact or updates from Cegga about the axes, i could not arrange to supply them to the people who had requested them.
Luckily there was no money lost, as i did it in such a way so that i did not receive any money or anyone's axes to distribute, or gain any profit from the sales.
Unfortunately, after the first batch had been sent out successfully, things went wrong. Some of the issues were out of anyone's control, Cegga had some sort of family issue, and was also on holiday for several weeks. After this i received this email:

I start work this week so I am just star work after 6 weeks holyday ;-)
And i have most of the work i have ready, So I can start to do some
that you wanted and then we see if some still want one after it take
so long time
By the end of July i had all but given up, so this arriving on the 12th of august was a real surprise and i thought that finally i might be able to supply the axes (i presume by that point most others on here, except "lynx", were looking elsewhere or trying to contact Cegga individually) to those who still wanted them.
That was the last i heard from him, despite him having said most of them were nearly done.

Why? I do not know. But due to this i was made to look a fool on the forum, and due to some of the kind members who had all ready received axes (and some who were still waiting) buying me an axe, it must have looked to some as if i had just arranged all of this for my own personal gain.
Therefore i stopped using this forum, which i used to frequent regularly, as i felt i would be distrusted by other forum users.
Cegga ruined my reputation on this forum, and meant i could not keep promises to people who were expecting axes. Has anyone heard from him on the forum? or bought from him recently? as i would like him to know this.

I am greatly sorry i could not get the axes to the people who wanted them. I hope you can understand that this was seriously stressful for me when it went wrong, and that as much as i tried i could not fix it.
I just had to clear up what actually happened and let you know why i couldn't supply them.
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Hey Scorps. I don't think anyone blamed you for how it turned out. Certainly not from the latest thread that was going on. If there was any blame, then it is news to me. I certainly would never have thought that your reputation should be tarnished in anyway as it was out of your control. This was also mentioned on the other thread. It is not new to anybody, the simple fact that Cegga has gotten slightly fed up of making axes his entire work and private life, so wanted a break.

I really hope you haven't recieved any nasty PM's due to this. That is out of order and you should not in any way feel foolish.

I arranged the buy for you. That is my responsibility and mine alone. If anyone paid for that and did not receive an axe and feels hard done by. I'll refund their payment in full. Just get in touch. Justin should not be held accountable in any way. Arranging a group buy of that magnitude is stressful and very hard work. He deserves more.
Thanks, now i have a better grasp of what happened with Cegga.
I would have appreciated an email from him, but i now understand why he couldn't make the axes.
I have to agree i didnt blame you at all. Its just one of those things, if people were giving you gip then let them organise something like this.
If any lessons are to be learned from both the current and previous GB it is that nobody should start a list or even mention a possible GB without first having spoken and agreed things with the maker beforehand. I was fortunate to have contacted Cegga directly in the end and he kindly made me a Viking axe. I bear no ill feelings towards anyone involved but I think it is important that everyone learns from past mistakes.
Thanks for explaining why the latest GB went south, as I was wondering. Hopefully one day he will get the urge to make some more axes for us but for now he deserves some rest.


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