Cegga / BR axes - Third Group Buy

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Whats the point of being eagle-eyed if the next batch is posted at 13:25 again and sells out in an hour while your still at work :(

To be fair I recall the last two first posted at around 8pm. I had the time in mind so I could jump onto the next group buy when it did eventually come around and I was surprised that it happened to be midafternoon myself.
Whats the point of being eagle-eyed if the next batch is posted at 13:25 again and sells out in an hour while your still at work :(

I do this as I can to give everyone a fair chance. The last complaint was from someone who only had access to the internet at work and objected to the buys being in the evening. I do this to offer a great product to those I can. Demand outstrips supply since this is a hand made item. Cegga can never make enough of these to meet demand without tripling his prices. So if you get one you are in clover. If you don't, you are no worse off.

I am trying to do something to add to this forum. It appears that this is causing, rather than happiness in those who are lucky, resentment in those who are no worse off than if I spent my time out and about.

I'm happy to spend my time and money on trying to contribute to the world of UK Bushcraft, but the next complaint will be the last complaint


I do this as I can to give everyone a fair chance. The last complaint was from someone who only had access to the internet at work and objected to the buys being in the evening. I do this to offer a great product to those I can. Demand outstrips supply since this is a hand made item. Cegga can never make enough of these to meet demand without tripling his prices. So if you get one you are in clover. If you don't, you are no worse off.

I am trying to do something to add to this forum. It appears that this is causing, rather than happiness in those who are lucky, resentment in those who are no worse off than if I spent my time out and about.

I'm happy to spend my time and money on trying to contribute to the world of UK Bushcraft, but the next complaint will be the last complaint

Hi Red. I can understand other members frustrations at not being able to get whatever is on offer, but I can understand your frustrations even more.

Ive only been a member for a very short time, but even I can see that if you stopped your contributions it would be a big loss to us all.

Its not easy being in the front line (so to speak) and getting all the flack when things dont go smoothly. I know. I run my own company and have to deal with this on a regular basis.

Please dont get frustrated, please dont get disheartened, those of us who cant get whatever it was we wanted will have to be patient! I am convinced that nobody was having a personal dig at you, although I wouldnt mind betting that thats how it felt!

Keep smiling! :)
Thank you Brian, however its getting wearing when each time I invest my own time and money to offer a small number of items which can't satisfy everyone, people feel slighted that they aren't the ones to get them.

For me Bushcraft is about "the spirit of the campfire" - each helping the other and not being resentful when you don't get a bargain item but resenting others for their good fortune.

I too can understand your frustration and anger at these complaints when you've invested your time and effort. You've demonstrated to me that you are someone that I could only hope to be and I respect what you've done, and while I might say that since I got one of the original batch, I'm hopeful too of getting one of the next generation of axes, perhaps even in damascus ;). Please don't take these to heart, there will always be those for whom frustration is greater than their discretion, especially on the internet where the mental filter that might stop them saying things in real life doesn't seem to work.
Thank you Brian, however its getting wearing when each time I invest my own time and money to offer a small number of items which can't satisfy everyone, people feel slighted that they aren't the ones to get them.

For me Bushcraft is about "the spirit of the campfire" - each helping the other and not being resentful when you don't get a bargain item but resenting others for their good fortune.

I used to be admin for a weather related website - which I loved being a part of. I used to write articles and the newsletter. I also used to organise meet ups for them all. No matter what or how I did things someone would always find something to moan about. I guess my point is that no matter what you do someone will find fault in it. No matter how much time and energy you invest someone will always find something wrong. I went as far as learning gazzilions about the weather just so that I could advise them (hopefully)

When advice or help is for free, its bloody frustrating!

Calm down mate and carry on with the fantastic offers. OK someone wont be happy, but most members will be over the moon. Thats what matters. :)
Thank you Brian, however its getting wearing when each time I invest my own time and money to offer a small number of items which can't satisfy everyone, people feel slighted that they aren't the ones to get them.

For me Bushcraft is about "the spirit of the campfire" - each helping the other and not being resentful when you don't get a bargain item but resenting others for their good fortune.

Red, I am biased as I was a lucky one who by chance saw the posting, and unlike other times managed to throw my hat into the ring in time. Other swaps and entries in the classified section I havent been in time for and I hope the people who got them liked the items as much as I hoped I would. I cant watch the site all the time and when I am with a customer or on site, then its often a few days between checking the new posts. Not much sensibly I can do about that :-) Its just the way it is.

Its the luck of the draw, but only because people like you make them available.

When we meet, I will certainly want to say thank you to you and Cegga in person ( as I do with a few others on here ), the enthusiasm and interest in helping others to learn and experience things that I feel coming from such a large number of people here is amazing. I know its not easy, my children are so fickle about their interest in anything these days its hard to keep up the battle of trying to show them new things. But once in a while they can see why I get so excited and interested in things.

Like I said I was lucky this time, lunch time / workload and net availability were by chance all together, other times I have missed some great deals, but I have also learnt so much from reading the ideas and comments of others.

Thank you
Just feeling grumpy last night guys! I enjoy the designing and get a real kick seeing people use the gear I arrange the buys for. The trouble is you realy can't please "all of the eople all of the time" - some people get lucky and some don't - and there is no "fair" way of doing it

Hi Red. You organise the group buys and it's you who spends the time doing it. It's your baby, and how you organise it and at what time is down to you. If that dosen't suit everyone, then let them organise their own group buy. By the way, can I have about 2 weeks written notice when the next batch is coming out?, lol
Just feeling grumpy last night guys! I enjoy the designing and get a real kick seeing people use the gear I arrange the buys for. The trouble is you realy can't please "all of the eople all of the time" - some people get lucky and some don't - and there is no "fair" way of doing it


Hey Red,don't even try old son.There will always be someone who'll whine.

You are doing a first class job and spreading a lot of pleasure,enjoy that and ignore the odd whinge.

Cegga is currently covered in sticky tape and labels!

The axes will go off tomorrow.

Normal (average) shipping is around two weeks. Quickest ever is 10 days. Slowest 22 days. Given we pay for air mail I have no idea how they keep the planes up that long but there we are.

So, you should all have them before the month is out.

I hope you enjoy them since this is the last planned batch. Our focus will now shift to the next design (the Red Cruiser aka Reds Nessmuk interpretation), although, since the Hunter is such a sweetie, we will probably come back to it one day

Apologies for those who don't have one yet, but I need to play with a new design before ennui sets in

Nope...and yet...in a strange way........

I have a cunning plan..... for a group buy that would make the Precision Field Knife thread look dull.

I'm not sure I can bring it off yet so no details, but, if I can, I could bring all my favourite craftsmen together in an "ultimate" offer. Trouble is it would be a very small run and far from cheap....but sometimes you want to build a Varon not a Corsa......

I was just on the phone to my wife a minute ago and she said 'Hang on, the postman's here'.

:D :D :D

Indeed it is the axe! Safe and sound from Sweden. Can't wait to get home :cool:


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.