What do you want to have on Bushcraft UK?

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
…….. And you don’t have to sign up for it anyway :)

I’ve used a talking stick a lot in camps, conferences and other discussions. There is always the option to pass it on without speaking.

Edited to add:

As participation will be by invitation then no one should feel pressured to take part. Many of us, probably the majority are here to read rather than write.
I for one find it thoroughly annoying finding an interesting, detailed forum thread which appears to be a great resource, only to discover that the images disappeared 12 years ago and the poster left the forum or died in the meantime....

That's two votes for postimage though, maybe I'll give it a go after all, thank you!
That has happened to some of my threads unfortunately.

I always hosted pictures on my own web sites but as the servers have been updated so have some of the URLs which breaks the links. I used to try and keep them all up to date but when the sites changed from HTTP to SHTTP it broke all the links.

I have posted so many pictures over the years that going back to update all the URLs would be a massive task now.

This is one thing that wouldn’t have happened if the images were hosted on the site but I can appreciate how much that would have cost Tony over the years.

The only thing I can say is that most of my important threads are repeated as pages on my Ravelore or Ice Raven websites accessible through the link in my signature.
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Well we can disagree on that. I would rather a thread was posted and risk pictures being lost rather than it not being posted at all.
Well, depends on who posted it :lmao:

Remember Rik who used to cuss anyone out ad infinitum if they referred to the Swiss army burner as a Trangia. He ripped me several new ones for constantly doing that. Which made me maybe accidently do it a lot more? Along with everyone else.
It annoys me too. Or when people call the swedish military mess kits Trangia.
There is but one Trangia, this one (+the different models):
For most people the name Trangia is just generic like Hoover or a Bic pen.

It’s that sort of pedantry that puts me off posting a lot of my exploits.

Plus I'm generally in the woods or outdoors doing stuff rather than sitting in front of a PC. I own a rather nice laptop but have almost no desire to switch it on unless it’s for work and it’s something I can’t easily do on my phone. I would rather no post than go through the convoluted process of emailing photos to myself then uploading resizing and linking to a forum.

My time and patience is finite. Given the choice of being in the woods wildlife watching, perfecting a skill or trying to fathom the way some IT geek with a spectrum disorder has decided the process of uploading x or y must be is a barrier.

Barriers to inclusion are just that barriers.
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For most people the name Trangia is just generic like Hoover or a Bic pen.

It’s that sort of pedantry that puts me off posting a lot of my exploits.

Plus I'm generally in the woods or outdoors doing stuff rather than sitting in front of a PC. I own a rather nice laptop but have almost no desire to switch it on unless it’s for work and it’s something I can’t easily do on my phone. I would rather no post than go through the convoluted process of emailing photos to myself then uploading resizing and linking to a forum.

My time and patience is finite. Given the choice of being in the woods wildlife watching, perfecting a skill or trying to fathom the way some IT geek with a spectrum disorder has decided the process of uploading x or y must be is a barrier.

Barriers to inclusion are just that barriers.

And you were such a chilled out relaxed bloke when I first met you :)
I’m probably one of the worst culprits for not contributing. I’ve been a member for years, check in most days, love listening to everybody, but almost never say hello. I know perfectly well that this forum is essentially a group of friends with like-minded interests, and the tone of it is one of the best things about BCUK, but I seem to have managed to avoid making the connection that it works through the efforts of a small number of you guys and if more of us contribute it works even better.

So…, count me in if we’re going to write more stuff. I’m not as outdoorsy as some, and not as crafty as others, but Bushcraft is all about the fun of knowing we know only a little and having fun figuring it out (except for fire by friction which is some form of self-torture, obviously). Happy to publish my efforts and be damned!

I also promise future posts will also be considerably less sentimental! :p
I’m trying to think out of the box – but I confess coming up with new ideas is proving difficult. So, here’s an idea that may encourage members to participate a little more.

@Tony messages (email I would suggest to make sure it gets through) all full and life members asking if they want to participate (I believe this will be fine under GPDR rules). If they do, they either email or PM the organiser to say they do.

One participant is selected each week (I suggest, in alphabetical order of their avatar name to keep things simple). That person is then required to start a thread titled <Members’ Weekly Thought - ******> (where ****** is the avatar name). People will have to open the post to see what the content is; there’s no clue in the title.
Along a similar line, maybe some people would like to opt in to having their talks at the Bushmoot filmed, and then we could put them out on YouTube across the year. Starts conversation and puts the event on the map.
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I’m trying to think out of the box – but I confess coming up with new ideas is proving difficult. So, here’s an idea that may encourage members to participate a little more.

@Tony messages (email I would suggest to make sure it gets through) all full and life members asking if they want to participate (I believe this will be fine under GPDR rules). If they do, they either email or PM the organiser to say they do.

One participant is selected each week (I suggest, in alphabetical order of their avatar name to keep things simple). That person is then required to start a thread titled <Members’ Weekly Thought - ******> (where ****** is the avatar name). People will have to open the post to see what the content is; there’s no clue in the title.

The post could be anything, within the rules of the forum, but the more ‘bushcrafty’/wilderness skills based the better. It could be short or long, a tutorial on something, an account of a walk or a trip, a review of a book or a video, a description of seasonal foraging, a recipe for foraged food – anything related to the forum. I know many of you do post these kinds of things but we want to encourage/persuade members who don't do so very frequently.

I would suggest we would need at least 20+ members to participate to make it work so people aren’t being asked too frequently.

Putting my money where my mouth is, if no-one is particularly keen to do it, I will volunteer to organise it. I would suggest I’ll send out a roster for the month ahead to the relevant people and then remind each person the week before. If, for any reason someone can’t make it that week, they need to let me know, then I can swap people around within reason.

If you think it’s dead in the water, just say so :)
I think this could be an interesting thing to try. There's so much variety in the members skillsets/lifestyles here that it would almost certainly yield worthwhile results. As you suggest, sometimes a bit of structure can help draw things out.

The biggest resource on the forum is the wealth of knowledge within it's membership. Between the makers, homesteaders, woodland managers, bushcrafters, reenactors, hunters and everything inbetween, I'd find a kind of 'Day in the Life of...' thread an interesting read.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.