I bought the 240 Outback gomboy from them recently, think they know me by now without checksSilky Big Boy Outback from Woodlore.
Enjoyed the irony of having to provide a photo of my driver's license to prove that I am old enough to buy bladed implements. Last time I bought a bladed implement from them was March 2003, when I bought my GB SFA and paid to attend one of their courses.
A bit over £400 , yes a lot of money at the mo under the present situation but to be fair I've paid a lot more for what I wanted. At the End of the day you cant take it with you can you?? And I find Knives and Tools usually come up with the goods.Ohhh. Costly Coach. May she live long in your collection. Bet that was hard to track down.
Nice knife. I have long like the look of the stuff that TRC makes.I know I shouldnt post it.. but I cant help it, because Ive been chasing one for so long, - Ive just ordered and paid for a TRC Mille Cuori Outdoors Knife. Expecting delivery by the weekend. They say everything comes to he who waits but its so easy to lose faith, especially after the days, months, year Etc roll by. NEVER GIVE UP!!
Have had my late grandfathers 1st WW army one in its mint leather pouch since a boy. Still use it sometimes, and a lot when I went OBTook a trip to Windsor today to lay some flowers for Her Majesty and afterwards decided to call into some charity shops. Found a 1918 dated prismatic compass with a 1929 dated leather case in lovely condition for the extortionate price of £15!! I've been after one for a while.