What did you buy today?

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I did ask them in the shop as nothing in there had prices on them, a bit odd I thought:rolleyes:


Met a girl who worked in Poundland, she told me that the one thing that drove her nuts was people asking "how much is this ?"

Been caught out myself a couple of times, when checkout assistant tells me "do you know that you get 2 of those for a pound". :)
Finally, after at least a year of lusting after this but my beloved persuading me it's just a needless gadget, I've finally bit the bullet and ordered myself a Biolite stove...


Over the year the price has dropped an awful lot so I just had to...didn't I?

Day off tomorrow and it should be here all going well....so I have the while day to play with it.
Finally, after at least a year of lusting after this but my beloved persuading me it's just a needless gadget, I've finally bit the bullet and ordered myself a Biolite stove...


Over the year the price has dropped an awful lot so I just had to...didn't I?

Day off tomorrow and it should be here all going well....so I have the while day to play with it.

Biolite stove arrived this afternoon...I felt like a kid waiting for Christmas morning!

In between rain showers, I got a few minutes to play with it. I've heard the odd review mentioning the noise of the fan but in reality is probably quieter than a gas camping stove. The fan makes a massive difference to getting the fire going as well as the ability to toggle between simmering and a rolling boil.

Only took a couple of minutes to get the little green light that meant it was also ready to start charging my phone. By that time, a litre of water was already bubbling away, probably only taking about 3 minutes to get to a good rolling boil.

I'll have a look around and see if a review had been done here...if not I'll do one as soon as I get a proper chance to play with t.
Bought a Rogue Trekker hat. Not sure why though! It seemed like a good idea at the time. I'll see what it's like when it arrives.

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Managed to covertly buy more kit today that I can't afford but have to have, & successfully intercepted the delivery direct from the postie & smuggled the booty into my garage undetected. will inspect later when the coast is clear....?

Delivered today Belgian army pup tent (unissued) by Alan 13-7, on Flickr

Belgian army pup tent (unissued) 2 poncho halfs by Alan 13-7, on Flickr

Edit:~ I've been rumbled after only 4 days the wife has discovered my dirty little secrete (while scrutinizing bank statements)...... Seriously? I'm in the "pup tent" just the bushcraft version of the "dog house?" really Oh the cruel irony?
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Whilst messing around on iPad I found the I reader app and bought Ray mears autobiography, on chapter 4 and really enjoying it, going to try and buy some more of uncle rays books.
In prep for my wild trip to the highlands;
A pair of mora companions. (2 for £20 on amazon!)
200ft of para
Bushcraft by MK
Bushcraft by Richard Graves
A fungi field guide - forgot the author.
And a new shemagh.

Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk
Managed to covertly buy more kit today that I can't afford but have to have, & successfully intercepted the delivery direct from the postie & smuggled the booty into my garage undetected. will inspect later when the coast is clear....?

Belgian army pup tent (unissued) 2 poncho halfs by Alan 13-7, on Flickr

Damn it I've been rumbled after only 4 days... the wife has discovered my dirty little secret (while scrutinizing bank statements)...... Seriously? I'm in the "pup tent!" just the bushcraft version of ......."the dog house" really .
Oh the cruel irony?
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Smoker?, I thought it was some sort of billy can type cooker, it has a wind shield type stand and a small pan for what I thought was liquid fuel, will have to google the name and see what it comes up with.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.