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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
SADF M83 vest and bergen. And Wynnchester bedroll. And I bought another months worth of rent too! Happy days.

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On impulse I bought a Trangia 27-1 HA...from an online recordshop(!)...Weird place to find it there, but the price was really good. Next I will try to source a tarp in a candy store.....
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Bought these yesterday with a plan to make some mini Adze's...Yea or Nea.? £15 for the lot. one Marples, one 1943 Army, and three Marshall Shotts School Board from the 40's and one dont know..?

Bought these yesterday with a plan to make some mini Adze's...Yea or Nea.? £15 for the lot. one Marples, one 1943 Army, and three Marshall Shotts School Board from the 40's and one dont know..?


That's a great bargain, you've got a bunch of good gouges there. Definitely a nay from me, to turn them into mini Adzes.
Bought these yesterday with a plan to make some mini Adze's...Yea or Nea.? £15 for the lot. one Marples, one 1943 Army, and three Marshall Shotts School Board from the 40's and one dont know..?


That's a great bargain, you've got a bunch of good gouges there. Definitely a nay from me, to turn them into mini Adzes.
An ALDI hammock and folding frame at £34.99. So far pretty impressed with it, solidly built, takes seconds to put together but not the sort of things you'd want to strap to your pack.



The hammock is fine for lounging but sufficiently 'fall-outable' that nodding off coulld result in 'SUDS' (i.e Sudden Uncontrolled Descent Scenario). At 2.7 metres long though, I think I'll be trying a DD scout hammock in it (2.35m)...prob not long enough for my DD Travel (2.7m) but will give it a try anyway and let y'all know how it goes.
For my wife, son and daughter in law I got them a Solo 1800ml pot ea, it has a bail and side folding handles.
I bought a Solo 900ml pot, haven't tried it yet. I will add a bail to it so I can suspend it over a fire. I trek alone most of the time.
Both styles are Stainless Steel and were recommended to me, a new experience.
Recently: Pathfinder SS bottle, cup and hanger- so much better than plastic and a very fine Condor/Matt Graham Primitive bush knife. A 'grownup knife' as the boys say, or 'a toy' as Mrs Nyayo says ( I did, however, demonstrate that you can cut cake, fillet salmon and open packaging with it - still not impressed :p ). I think it's ace.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.