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By Bowl, I think Spamel means "bowl of the spoon"

Most bowls are turned rather than carved, but you can't turn a kuksa (at least not the outside) because of the handle. Suspecy they are both chuffin tricky. Go for the kuksa - you can always turn it into a bowl later!

Dunno, I meant the bowl of the spoon by the way, sorry if I wasn't too clear! I would like to do a shallow bowl, maybe only an inch or two deep. Somebody did a bowl here a while back, I seem to remember it being Bardster but I may be wrong. It was a very deep bowl and looked fantastic! I think it would take quite a bit of effort to do by hand, as I think it was done on a lathe. Also, I think it was done with apple, it really did look good.

I think my autumn/winter project should be to carve a kuksa, bowl and a spoon. Oh, and I want to carve a pipe aswell, although I'm not sure how it will come out. I won't be using any power tools, any drilling will be done with either a drill bit in a pin vice or by using a bow drill set. I may take pictures as I go along. I'm after the Gandalf look with this pipe so I'm gonna go for a long stem made from elder.

Thats weird. I quit the weed a couple of years back and now only miss it in camp. A mate sent me a picture of a design called a "churchwarden" - try googling it - sounds like what you are after

yes mt winter project will be a kuksa, would love to hear how you get on with a pipe, once you have made it could you please tell me how you did it as i would like to try making one, does elder have a pith inside it

Elder has a soft pith. I made a fire tube (think long hollow rod for blowing your fire up) by tapping the pith out with bolt rod. You could do it with an unbent coat hanger. Its a weed tree so you don't have to be too sad about cutting a nice length

Spamel - like this?


This is what I fancy though


Yes, or is it alder? Hey ho, I may not remember the name but I know which one I need at least!! I hollowed one out a while back, I used a piece of wire and just scraped the pith out from inside. I'm gonna start this project tomorrow whilst I take some pictures of my Hex 3 for the review I promised, it just needs the pictures adding.

So, I may not be around until tomorrow evening, it should be a good day out! My mate wants to have a go at friction fire lighting so I said I'd show him how. I'm no expert but I'll pass on what I know. I hope to find a suitable piece for the bowl of the pipe, I want to leave the bark on on part of the bowl to give it a bit of grip and also to give it a certain old school look. It should be fun!!

Edit: I'm having connection problems so read this post as if it were 3 posts back or so and it may make sense then!!

The first pipe would be very close to what I would like shape and length wise, I'm not sure if it will look quite like that after I've chopped wildly away!! I just want to blow smoke rings, and then make a ship from smoke and make it sail through the ring!!!! :D
could you write a short tutorial on how you make the pipe it doesnt have to be anything long and special just a few pictures and captions, pretty please
I'll certainly have a go. I've never done this before, so I will be playing it by ear.

My plan is to find a piece of wood of a suitable thickness with a smaller branch coming off at an angle. This will make the bowl and the start of the stem will be the smaller branch. I'll drill the stem with a small diameter drill and then drill the bowl with the bow drill method. I expect that will take a while!!

Once I get that done, I will get the stem hollowed out and maybe bend it a bit over steam or if it is green, over the fire. Once I have that sorted, I will consider how to mate the two together.

I am thinking I will drill out the stem sufficiently so that the stem will go inside, and then seal it with a bit of pine resin. That should do the trick. Then I need to invest in a bit of pipe weed, not sure what brands they do in the German tobacconists, and practise smoke rings! :D

As easy as that! I think the reality will be some what different!!! :rolleyes:

Its elder you want my friend for boring out - trust me :)

The bowl is often made of briar for its heat resistant properties

And no Leon mate - I'm nowhere near talented enoough -

By the way PLEASE never smoke. I have lost three good friends to the weed

Briar, eh? Where do I get that from then? I was gonna try a bit of oak or something, I didn't quite think the heat thing through did I?!! :o :rolleyes:

It's a good thing you mentioned that!!
Some of the pipes on that site are amazing!! They are far from what I expect to make!!

So do I have to use Briar, or can I use any other wood? I know Eric made a pipe from antler which is quite interesting, but I don't have any antler so we can rule that out!!!! Can't I just use any old bit of wood?!! :rolleyes:
Err - no clue? I'd worry about "burn though" though. Now antler would work for the bowl as you say, or soapstone I reckon. Meerschaum was always popular (spelling). Anything hard and foreproof. What about making a clay pipe?

Clay could work. I may still be able to put a wooden stem on it aswell. That was what worried me though, the bowl burning through. It's not gonna get used every day, it'll just be when I go out and about. I remember somebody posting a link to a pipe makers forum, but I can't seem to remember where it was. I'm gonna go and have a quick look!!
Leon listen to Red about not smoking!!!! I started as a social smoker and now I'm hooked I know how stupid it is but it is so addictive you have a few and then you can't stop, don't do it even to try the pipe out, please! :soapbox:
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Damn straight - mouth cancer , lung cancer, heart attacks are not damn clever!

These guys are in the forces and they know about not being clever !

Hang on, that came out wrong :D

I am pathetic from having smoked so long.

I gave up when they put me in an MRI scanner to see how big the problem was.

Anyone who wants to make themselves unable to carry their own pack up a hillside should try smoking - I know.

As for the CT scans - you don't want to know about where they shove tubes

Oh - yeah X-rays, ultrasound etc. are not good either

You want to know scared - try waiting for the 6th set of cancer test results


guys im not stupid enough to start smoking especially at this age, i am going to practice making another spatula today out of some old firewood and then tommorow i will pick up some walnut and make you one out of that
cant wait to see the tutorial spamel


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