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Simple and effective. Folds flat, gets hot. Job done.


A friend is going into business with Penderyn and returned with this. I don’t drink but I tried a sip of it just because it’s Welsh.


Got this Bush player going after buying it broken and its inaugural spin had to be a 1st pressing of Led Zep’s ‘Misty Mountain Hop’. Fabulous!


“In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees”
Boy have I had a charity shop haul today!
Two sporks and an enamel cooking pan for my grandkids garden bushcraft kit.£1

I open fishing shelter ditto£3

Two tripod stools ditto £2.50 each

A stainless steel 3 litre whistleing camp kettle for myself... free! It had some stones and bits of stick in the lady said she couldn't sell it in that state and was about to throw it away. So I asked if I could have it and she gave it to me.

I do so love charity shops!
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Simple and effective. Folds flat, gets hot. Job done.


A friend is going into business with Penderyn and returned with this. I don’t drink but I tried a sip of it just because it’s Welsh.


Got this Bush player going after buying it broken and its inaugural spin had to be a 1st pressing of Led Zep’s ‘Misty Mountain Hop’. Fabulous!


“In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees”
“The Battle Of Evermore “ always sends me in a trance ... could of been a hippy :D Stove looks great for the money !
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Just treated myself for £15 to the little Swedish Army daysack on MM.... about 25 litres?

Sometimes, things are better than what you expect, and this plain little thing is one of these: un issued and completely immaculate. As new.
Nicely put together with strapping points for extra gear should you be so inclined. Long strap for top closure flap with a secondary draw string. Also, MASSIVE closure baffle that almost double the size of the sack, also drawstring closure.
For day hikes, long walks, day paddle in the canoe....whatever and all for £15...Worth a look


Swedish Army Lightweight 25L Daysack


Quote Reply
Spotted an ad on a local site for a Canon 100D. As new, less than 2000 clicks on the shutter, on the way home on foot between the station and home.

Very pleasant Danish bloke (started off speaking in French, spotted his accent, switched to English, then when I got home saw that the camera was set in sprog:Dansk).
Received in the post a Norwegian army rucksack, this one is the nylon one and brand new(surplus and outdoors site), only bought it for the bed roll leather straps to add to my vintage Telemark sack as I wanted two sets of bedroll straps, just gotta give this new pack away as I don't need it, and I ain't paying to post it I'm too lazy.
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More climbing shoes! well more like an exchange the first pair were toe crushers in a way I find distracting, so I went with a comfort fit or "snug" as they put it, and got a bag of chalk, now just need a nice year of good weather!.........
the camera was set in sprog:Dansk).
That should have read "sprog: Dansk", there was no need for a smiley...

I was a little surprised by my son and very pleased when I read out two or three things shown in Danish on the interface, told him what they meant in English, then commented that the portrait I'd just taken of him was no good because "baggrunden er ikke sløret"... and he understood :D So there, yes, a big smily smiley!

I forgot to add that on the walk to his house, I saw a red squirrel run along a telephone line, down the pole, onto a garden wall not more than 10 metres from me. That's the first one I've seen in about four years. There used to be a couple of them that would jump from tree to tree along the boundary between our garden and the lawns of the block of flats next door.

Anyway, today I have ordered two spare batteries and ten eye-cups for that 100D. Yes, TEN eyecups. There wasn't one on the camera, and they are sold in packs of ten on Amy Zone.
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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.