What did you buy today?

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Well, it's not very bushcrafty but I got a great deal on a Makita cordless reciprocating saw, it's usually like £80, it was a warehouse return so there was some knocked off as it said it was scuffed on the body, then I happened across it on the day they had 20% off for Easter so ended up paying £40 for it, i've put in a big saw blade and it cuts very nicely, it might not be as fast cutting as my big bow saw, but it's a lot more fun! It will be good for pruning branches off the trees as well as just general stuff. I'll get a pic up.... Best of all, it was perfect, not a mark on it....
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Got this on tue, it was covered in rust and so I could only do basic checks, after a lot of cleaning, its not too bad the face is good but I have to make repairs to the front feet, don't know the make there is just the faintest of marks, an R followed by a canted N with some kind of stamp just above.

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Not sure if this counts as it was given to me today by a mate who worked at SERE school. Alex was happy...especially with the couple of bags of Haribo (standard chaplaincy issued I believe).

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First time posting on this thread I think -

Bought a "Hairy Dog Stoves" Stainless Steel "Ammo can stove" which I hope to put to good use at the Moot, but in the mean time I can feel some barbecues approaching!


Ogri the trog
Not really bush craft but treated myself to my 1st DSLR camera, Nikon D3400 with 18 - 55mm, 18 - 300mm and 70 - 300 mm lenses, taken it out almost every day and practiced a lot with it in Aperture mode, taken loads of duff pics but got some really nice ones, I'm loving being out and photographing wildlife.

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I got into using pistols just because there hard to shoot well and I can use them in the garden, the rifle I have no where with range to use it!

I do have a Webley Tempest too, that's a fair point, I should probably have a play with that more often, it just doesn't do it for me the same, better than hee haw though, good shout.
Had a BSA Scorpion as a yoof, I can't even remember what I did with it, probably sold it to a mate, that was a great wee (I mean big) pistol. I'll lock the cat down to avoid boo-boo's and have a wee indoor shoot through the week I think, yee-ha. :tongue:
Yep had one too! there a bit of a monster, only BSA I have now is a 240 magnum, also a bit of a monster but not my favourite to shoot, I do the indoor range thing most mondays, nice an warm lots of tea, and have a shoot off with a mate that brings his co2 pistol, what's not to like!
Got this on tue, it was covered in rust and so I could only do basic checks, after a lot of cleaning, its not too bad the face is good but I have to make repairs to the front feet, don't know the make there is just the faintest of marks, an R followed by a canted N with some kind of stamp just above.
Apart from the broken edge it looks okay. The hole looks to be a square hardie and a small pritchel behind it. What repairs does it need? I can see a large R left centre but the N is right centre looks to be backwards. Do you know of/use Iforgeiron online forum? Whats its sizes and weight?
Yep had one too! there a bit of a monster, only BSA I have now is a 240 magnum, also a bit of a monster but not my favourite to shoot, I do the indoor range thing most mondays, nice an warm lots of tea, and have a shoot off with a mate that brings his co2 pistol, what's not to like!

Recently reacquired a Baikal Makarov, top fun :)


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