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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Treated meself to a 5:11 Rush24. Most expensive ruck I've ever bought, actually it's the most expensive piece of kit Ive ever bought for this Shraftin hobby of mine.
Treated meself to a 5:11 Rush24. Most expensive ruck I've ever bought, actually it's the most expensive piece of kit Ive ever bought for this Shraftin hobby of mine.

Good bags, highly regarded, you'll like it.

Not really bushcraft kit, but a splendid thing. I have one of Steves boar brushes that works really well on a few days of beard, it gets right in there. So I wanted something to replace my softer brush that gets used for a quick tidy up.

Two band finest badger, cow horn, buffalo horn, greenheart base with a mosaic pin.


Ooh, big pic, not sure what happened there!
Picked up this big food pack from buckshees in Middlesbrough. 38 individual packs with over 6 items in total & only £6! Could have got 3 for £15 also. Looking forward to the sticky toffee pudding :-)
Sorry for the links, have never been able to get my head around uploading photos to forums lol




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Hi Stuart posting filckr pix is easy:~ go on flickr chose the pic you want to post from your photostream & load the pick, at the side of the picture bottom right you will see the "fav star" then next to that a wee curvy arrow click on the wee "Share photo arrow" the share one photo to:.... box will appear, click on BBcode (far right) then Chose the size of pic you want from the box below the code (eg Medium 480 X 640 )
Finaly right click & copy the BBcode

right click paste the BBcode to your post or reply in bushcraft

you will have loads of text but you only need whats between the img boxes so

cleanup/delete text leaving only whats between the


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Mora #171 or #188 (double bevel) Equus farrier's knife? Little scorp tip?
If so, I've reworked 2 pairs of #171 and 2 x #188 for wood carving.
Very nice but I've got harder steel in others ( Hall & Ukal.)
SWMBO is playing with my new toy!:puppy_dog
Showed her how to use it and wont give it me back.
The steak knives are sharper than a lightsabre and I've run out of arm hair now she's going for this!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.