What is the utilmate breakfast in the Bush?

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A brace of these:


fried in butter with some chopped wild garlic takes some beating.
PRKL, I'll need to have a go at making Stoke. That looks delicious.

I love Bratties (bratwurst). :D

Have you heard of an "Egg Banjo"?

It's a traditonal Army favourite. For anyone who hasn't heard of it use Google, as I can't do the explanation true justice.

All the best,

Fresh brewed coffee (no instant)

Followed by fluffy light pancakes of bannock mixture with duck egg beaten in, drizzled in maple syrup.

SimonM does a great looking all-in-one fried breakfast in foil, one day I'll talk him into making me one.

Here you go Rich...

Use thick foil, with a double layer on the bottom.

On the foil place a layer of sliced potatoes (which are sacraficial if you leave it too long, but saute nicely if you get it right:D), then bacon, tomatoes and mushrooms.

If you make a "nest" from the sliced mushrooms, you can then crack an egg into it, stopping it from running everywhere.

Seal the pouch and drop it on the embers - I find that between 20 & 30 mins is enough, dependant on the bed of embers...

Once cooked, our scouts can slide the contents onto a piece of bread without dropping anything...another slice of bread on taop makes the perfect breakfast sarnie

Or you could go down the griddle route...


Just a light Autumn breakfast:

1. Smoked back bacon
2. Semi-wild hens eggs. (Not to be confused with shop-bought "free-range" variety.)
3. Sliced wild fungi.
4. Ten squirrel or rabbit kidneys.

5. Bannocks of the not too dumpy variety.

6. Coffee.

PRKL, I'll need to have a go at making Stoke. That looks delicious.

I love Bratties (bratwurst). :D

Have you heard of an "Egg Banjo"?

It's a traditonal Army favourite. For anyone who hasn't heard of it use Google, as I can't do the explanation true justice.

All the best,


Egg banjo:eek:

Gotta check it out immediately as its morning and im hungry.
The best breakfasts are of course made from leftovers from the night before, so in order. It will have to be homemade pizza with extra spicy sausages bacon and melted cheese. Or Spicy pork chops with beef and three bean stew. Lastly wok cooked peppered chicken with bell peppers and egged rice.
All washed down with black coffee made from Guatemala elephant Beans and Indian sugar crystals
Followed by a two hour snooze
Hey Stoo how come my slices of fried chorizo didnt get a mention?
thats cos they where lunch but where so good ive got a couple for this weekend comeing, seen a cool soup receipe that might be worth a try. I recall you had chicken and white wine sauce with new potatoes for breakfast!

Stooboy does a mean "exploding from the embers" egg wake up call I seem to remember.
funny was trying to be stealth to not wake others up, I definately read on here somewhere you can "boil" eggs in the embers...

The best breakfasts are of course made from leftovers

what are these leftovers you speak off? :D your obviously from a single child fammily.

Will be trying SimonM's foil wrap receipe this weekend.

funny was trying to be stealth to not wake others up, I definately read on here somewhere you can "boil" eggs in the embers...

You can cook them in their shells, but you need to put a wee hole in the end of the shell to let the pressure out.

Otherwise, they go BANG!!! :D

Cheers mate,

Upon reflection the best breakfast is one where the fried eggs don't take off down hill faster than a startled squirrel! And all because you either rushed the stove's setup or disturbed it when breaking the eggs!:o

Having benefited from Simon's largesse (or over-packing ;)) in the past, I can definitely vouch for his foil method - absolutely marvellous! :D
You can cook them in their shells, but you need to put a wee hole in the end of the shell to let the pressure out.

Otherwise, they go BANG!!! :D

Cheers mate,


I did put a small hole in the top, but i kinda turned it over to let the top of the egg cook a bit better, live and learn. good job the tarp was a bit back or could have been messy :)


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