I cannot wait too!!
flowers, bees, edibles, sunlight!, nice temperatures, birds active and whisteling, nice bugs crawling around, live in abudance all around
great to help nature too!
If one does not spray fungi/insecti cide or removes the stones out of the garden, just see buschraft in all aspect of live
The plums are already in bloom! so is the almond, beautifully pink (no bees yet due to rain and wind)
flowers, bees, edibles, sunlight!, nice temperatures, birds active and whisteling, nice bugs crawling around, live in abudance all around
great to help nature too!
If one does not spray fungi/insecti cide or removes the stones out of the garden, just see buschraft in all aspect of live
The plums are already in bloom! so is the almond, beautifully pink (no bees yet due to rain and wind)