What did you buy today?

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
SWMBO organised a two day course with a bladesmith as a birthday gift. So last weekend, in Brittany, I had my first go at working in a proper little smithy, with box-jaw tongs, a propane forge, decent anvil at almost the perfect height for me, and a belt grinder.

This was my first time using a 2 × 72 inch belt grinder. When I was 16, I once used what I knew back then as a linisher to make myself a centre punch out of a fully hard drill blank (must be either M2 or M42 steel), and I have a little 4inch wide belt sander, but this was my first time using a purpose-built knifemaker's machine.

So that's what I ordered this morning: a 2 × 72 inch belt grinder with a step pulley.

I can drive this with the 1HP motor that I already have, with a step pulley on it, that used to drive my little 4" polishing wheels. I impressed myself, last night, with how quickly I was able to find the motor, the NEMA mounting plate, the forward/stop/reverse drum switch and the two vee belts that I packed away in boxes before moving back to France.

I'm scouting about, now, for some belts for when it arrives and when I've had time to install it.

Belts sorted: 15 of each 40, 80 and 120 grit.

Rewired the motor to run on 220V (it was wired for 110V when I bought it), tested it and it works.

Wired in the drum switch, but that doesn't work well: the motor always runs clockwise, whether in forward or reverse positions (at least the stop position works). The wiring diagram shows different configurations for clockwise and anticlockwise operation, so I think that the motor will always run in the direction determined by the wiring, and that the drum switch will not work as I expected.
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Some new pegs. Have been out and about on my tarp tent trip on the north Somerset coast. Two days and nights of high wind have bent almost every peg I took with me. Had to repeg 4 times last night. ! Dreamed of waking up with no tarp above me as I did on the first morning. That was NOT funny! Lovely day today so I'm going to stay one more night and get a good night's rest before going home.
Now with some better pictures but far from perfect. Can't do justice to the pleasingly profiled pommel which was the deciding factor in purchase. It's the Scout knife I wish I'd had as a child!



Indeed, a thing of beauty...…….

(2 Multimat sims arrived the other day for me....)

Ooops, and now a Blacks Good Companion Standard tent with an extended fly...……..
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Oh dear my poor bank balance! :( finaly found a brand new reindeer skin . And also a lovely second hand froe. Been to scythe fair today. It's always expensive for me there. So many lovely hand made goodies and the bison bushcraft boys were there too. Seems to be a lot of interest in bushcrafty stuff at this fair.
Been to scythe fair today. It's always expensive for me there.

It sounds great and ticket price was reasonable but £15 for parking on top of that is ridiculous.

As much as I'd want to go to it there's no way I'd pay that much having driven over 2 hours to get there

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None of the options they want folks to use are easy for disabled folks...

But that's a debate for a seperate thread

They do specifically mention priority disabled parking elsewhere on the website so perhaps check whether “blue badge” holders get in for free.

Even if not, the entry price for one person using a car is £25 which IIRC, the same as for a day ticket to the BCUK Moot (£18 if booking in advance) and for two or more sharing a car, it would be a lot cheaper.

In reality most of the “green” transport options they are promoting will be difficult for anyone able bodied or disabled carrying a scythe and/or a hayrake so I guess they are assuming that many/most people attending will be coming by car and have set the prices accordingly - if you can get there under your own steam or by public transport and book in advance, £6 for a day out at a festival like that is a steal!

As ever, you pays your money.... :)
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There are buses put on from Yeovil and taunton. Or park in langport and walk in along river... about 1 and three quarters miles. I think they even had a boat this year from langport prebook only tho. You can camp at the thorny lakes camp site which is adjacent.. Arrive Saturday and camp over make a weekend of it..that's what I ve done in the past. It takes me 2 buses and a taxi to get there! I have mobility issues too so I now stay at my friends place nearby and walk in. Or borrow his electric pushbike. Sorry a bit off topic but I didn't want to start another thread just to pass this information on. Will give heads up next year to you all so you don't forget.! :)
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I forgot to add some of my smaller purchases at scythe fair.

Some birch sap soap.
Birch oil soap
and distilled birch snapps. :)

A brand new still packaged crusader mug and burner. £2 each :)

A titanium spork.

The best hummus and falafel wrap with salad I've ever had! :) :)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.