Are "These boots made for walking " Lol,
Nice buy Nancy
Legging it quick more like. Good score.

Are "These boots made for walking " Lol,
Nice buy Nancy
A new replica Veshmeshok.
why did you get a replica when the originals are so cheap? - asking 'cause I want one
A new anorak.
Ordered a trangia triangle today. May have to make a modification to carry my stanley pot which I think will be too slim. Any suggestions on how to modify? If all else fails I have a trangia kettle I can use.
Thanks for the tip. I thought a piece of wire coat hanger might suffice, problem is who uses wire coat hangers anymore.Love that stove Wayland. Very cool.
Make a triangle that fits over the three upstanding pot supports from metal rod and it allows you to use smaller sized pots. I use an Alpkit Ti mug on mine. I made it from an arc welding rod after I cracked the flux off!