What did you buy today?

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Just bought a Karimoor SF predator 45 . . . . . attempted delivery today . . I'll pick it up in the morning . . :p
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I bought an esbit stove.
It looks quite interesting, running on meths or fuel tabs, and it looks like I could run it on twigs too.
I'll do a review when it shows up.
well, i've had a confirmed spinal injury this week so to cheer myslef up ( and to annoy my physiotherapist lol)

Bought a Kettle from tesco's. £2.50 ish Icouldnt resist. Thjough some of the stuff they had looked a bit daft, £10 for a Tesco Hydration bladder, half the price of an osprey bladder and no where near as decent, but hey ho.
Its a really Good tent. I've had one for about 7 years, nice and spacius for solo camping.

Just bought a round, holed Utensil holder from Tesco, about 8"X6" in stainless. Nice little project for these long winter nights, I reckon a feeding hole at the bottom for fuel and I've got a ready to rock Hobo stove.
Not today, but on Tuesday (I forgot)

It's not really bushcrafty, but does mean I can get out now;)

I got a Fiat Scudo Panarama:D (It's a van with windows)

I can fill it with all the junk I could possibly want, but will never use. And use it as a camper van, when I want a bit of luxury :p


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.