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Ordered 4 books from the Creek Pocket Field Guide series

Survival Tarp Shelters and Wilderness Survival Breads, Hard Tack, Ash cakes, Biscuits and Bannocks for myself and

Bug out bag recipes and the one on Survival Vests for herself. No idea why she wants the latter but the former has info on making dehydrated meal packs.

Also 12 metallic red Y shaped aluminium tent pegs so we can put up two bashas at once with out having to rob the pegs from a tent or cut wooden ones.


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Bit the bullet, as I don’t know how long my car will be off road following MOT fail, and bought a RR Sport, not new, but moving back to the Green Oval ownership, been buying bits to go on it tonight, Roof Rails and Bars and a Bluetooth thingy to get tunes through the radio.Need to dig out my heavy weight recovery gear from the garage.

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Just ordered and due tomorrow, a Soto WindMaster 4 flex gas stove and a Optimus cannister stand. My old 1st generation Pocket Rocket wass showing its age and after reading the reviews of the Soto and the Pocket Rocket deluxe we went for the Soto mainly because its less bulky, you get a longer burn time on a Can of gas and it was cheaper. It also looks shinier!


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My bad. Already have a Wasp. I like it for its multiple stops and non locking status. And the fact that in S90v it cuts phenomenally well. I bought a Patriot today :encourage:. In orange.
Try the Peak 2 .... essentially a scandi in 3mm S90V. Blade's about 3 3/4 and the backlock is sublime.

I think it must be hit and miss with the Wasp. I had one, gifted it. Then bought another. Both great. Though I have heard otherwise from others, but perhaps early on in the production of the thing. I keep wishing I had an excuse to buy another, but I don't :)
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Booklets, stove and stand all arrived.


I'm very impressed. Need to get a new heat proof soldering mat as the one inthe pic is fraying atthe edges and I think the electronics nerds in the house would object if I sloped off with it!


You're welcome!

Is it the real deal, or a lightweight display piece if you don't mind me asking?

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I've not tested it on another Human yet but i wouldn't want to get struck by it.

Its not a display piece.

I've not tested it on another Human yet but i wouldn't want to get struck by it.

Its not a display piece.

Cheers for the links decent website.

Haha, yeah I did also notice the stirring implement that you also ordered....decent prices too.

I dare say they will come in handy if the Government has their way and turns the population into zombies with the impending jab fest...you may get to try them out on a human yet

I must say, they certainly trump my "stirring implements"

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Bit of a mix today, stuff ordered and arrived today, some zip bags from the charity shop. And some sale bits from a camping shop i popped in to.


The GSI Pinacle frying pan arrived from Germany intact, didn't get hit for import duty or what ever they do. I'm chuffed with that one,

Cheap soldering mat to stop me melting through the found sheet with hot pans etc, rolls up nice and small.

Transit non stick frying pan to use with my reflector stove.

Small Can of propane/ butane low temperature gas to fit inside my Evernew 570 mug. I need to find a cheaper source of these, I feel slightly reamed.

2 pure cotton pillowcase for a quid to ma,e big beeswax food wraps.

Small greenTrangia meths bottle I paid full whack for as, well, it's green and small.

Shielded wallet to replace the North face thing which has not worn well despite being quite dear at the time. I need to sew a loop on to take a chain.


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Small Can of propane/ butane low temperature gas to fit inside my Evernew 570 mug. I need to find a cheaper source of these, I feel slightly reamed.
Could you not get one of those cheapo adapters off fleabay,then use the Butane gas cartridges at about a quid a pop.I get about 4 or 5 refills for a pound.
One of the Sofirn headlamps I've heard so much about- feels much better having a rechargeable light. What I didn't expect is it to have such a pleasant colour, it's kind of a warm yellow, looks more like daylight than any other LED light I've used.
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Ordered just now, the proper lid for the Evernew 570fd mug and a Kelly Kettle Cool Lips silicone lip protector to stop me burning my face off.

And that, I believe, finishes off my 2021 reequipment project less a dozen Twizle Pegs which I'll order the next time I'm drunk enough to do some late night shopping, which may be a while since I've been tea total since '91. I've tried the Chinese knock offs but they were rubbish and most snapped in use.

The OG Dutch molle vest can wait until I can try a XL on in a army stores, unless a minty cheap one turns up. I'm unlikely to use it now until the spring anyroad. I'll be wanting more capacity to carry wet weather gear etc.




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