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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Ordered a backpack; Helikon-Tex Bergen in OD.
had my eye on one of these too

please let us know what you think have not been able to find a review on YT in English
Arrived while I was out, the ti lid for my Evernew 570fd mug, two Kelly Kettle Cool Lips silicone heat guards to go on it ( at 85p a pop much cheaper than the Snow Peak version ) which pop on and off dead easy for cleaning and where the flames may go up the sides and b@gger them up. In the past I've used black nasty and it can leave a horrible mess.

I was less happy with the 6 tins of Grants Haggis off of Amazon to go in the ration box as they all arrived dented so are waiting to be picked up by My Hermes who seam to handle the returns. The only place that may have them in stock is Waitrose way over at Preston but we are heading that way on Saturday so may take a detour...


Since I've restored my beloved Munro to usable condition* I picked up a 40 litre dry bag to make up for the waterproofing being dodgy, 'Was 8 quid under RRP so I didn't feel reamed for once.

Also got a small can of isopro for my little Snowpeak stove as I'd been putting the wrong fuel through it, evidentally.



* Gave it a deep clean, sewed a patch over where something had eaten a hole and fed recycled thin bungy cord off of a knackered kids jacket through the perished elastic trim of the lid and sewed it in place at the ends
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Hi @tombear , is was on the evil bay, link below:

Berry Picker

just as a disclaimer, I haven't recieved I yet, just paid for it. I've got a tracking link for it, I'm praying it's coming tomorrow otherwise likely to be Monday as its coming to work. I'll put a pick up when it arrives if that helps?
@tombear delivered this morning, pretty quick turnaround! It looks good, pretty light, two of the combs were stuck together with paint but I just shoved my nail file on the SAK between them and twisted, they separated easy enough. Looks good!

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Cheers! I'll see if herself wants one. Looking at it , I picked upacouple of lifeboat bailers years ago thinking to use them as work bench dust pans. Apart from the bent wire "teath" they are very similar in size and shape. I'm wondering if i could cut half the base out and add some teath?


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I'd have thought so. Or maybe install a wooden bar with appropriately spaced nails? Inside the picker is an angled piece that stops the berries rolling back of when you tilt the picker forwards- worth building in if you DIY it
Cheers, I hadn't thought about what stops the berries rolling out. If you could tell us how wide the metal bar that runs width ways is and thegaugeofthe wire I shouldbeabletoworkoutthedimensions of the rest. The bailer is a nice bright orange so will be able to keep track of.


Some of these for ID ( and not losing ) bits and bobs during the darker months

A couple of these for kits:-

And I returned and got some of these aswell.

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Went to the big fireworks display at Southport and hit the Waitrose and Military Mart near Preston on the way over. Stocked up on the tinned haggis which slices and fries lovely and got some look what we found main meals, which worked out well since at Military Mart I picked up cheap a Dutch ration pack which just needed a main meal.


The Leatherman Raptor is for my IFAK, well mainly because it's shiny and I've lusted after a pair since they came out. The Dutch army tent boots are NOS and supposedly made by Helly Hansen I may add some velcro so they won't pull off in a sleeping bag. My circulation isn't what it once was. The green block next to them is a Dutch NBC poncho ( I think) NATO Country code is 25 herself got to go in the car for emergency use ( not in case they drop a nuke but if shed caught with out a coat if she has a breakdown and it's not safe to stay in the car, things like that ).


Those berry-picking combs are fairly common here as we have 3 species of Vaccinium sp wild blueberries growing in astounding profusion in some places.
I can't eat them raw, I leave that to our Ruffed grouse, a bird of the forest.
Good patch, I'll say you can scoop 2, maybe 3, kg per hour.

Make certain you get all the teeth lined up or you catch all sorts of twigs and leaves with crushed berries.

I just bought several used volumes in the Wayne Gisslen series "Professional Cooking." Cordon Bleu/Culinary Arts school textbooks. At least $80.00 each for the three, new. abeBooks sold them for $6-8 each and with shipping 3 for about $36.00 total.

There is supposed to be a thin chapter buried in them addressing food preservation by drying and reconstitution. For that price, I couldn't go wrong.
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After many months of seeking advice and reading and watching reviews I finally purchased a new tent to replace my old one. I went for the AlpKit Soloist which is half the weight of my old tent and packs up smaller and for the money looks hard to beat


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Just taken possession of a few bits and bobs from Polymath products.

The best and highly suggested ' get one ' is the Polymath Omni torch - such a bright light for such a small thing!! amazing

Just taken possession of a few bits and bobs from Polymath products.

The best and highly suggested ' get one ' is the Polymath Omni torch - such a bright light for such a small thing!! amazing

Nice one. It’s good to see some support for Polymath, their stuff is nicely thought out and innovative.
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They look really good and excellent value but, am I missing it, how are they powered? OK, battery, but what type and how long do they last?
Two watch batteries on the top of the ' cube ' - surprisingly bright for such a small unit.

Really a prefect size for a Key fob-come-light unit.
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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.