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A Hultafors Felling Axe HY 20. Great axe!

Same one i planted firmly in my finger...awesome, even the surgeon said it was a quality job. 10 stitches and a slice of de bone with a the lightest of taps.
PS, Dampness will enter that Paracord and eventually rot the wood..
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Been on a spree recently, lots of bits here and there. Ones I'm most looking forward to receiving are a Bark River Pocket Bravo and a vintage four and a half point Hudson bay blanket! Now just need some straps to attach it to the front river bag.

This one 😄 been following marks work and handled a couple so I was very pleased to see this one become available

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I would have loved that knife, but I couldn't justify buying it when I have other things that I could really do with getting. Congratulations on a great buy though.
Not actually purchased but gifted to me by my mum who works in a charity shop and has a keen eye for a bargain.
So I'm trying to pimp my czech bed roll out and my mum found a moderna merino wool blanket in fetcing orange,i was going to die it but iv changed my mind.
Her friend had a army blanket in the boot of her car,she had sowed together to make a sleeping bag,bit itchy to sleep in but might make a layer inside the bed roll.
And lastly my Cork handle trekking pole.


a shedload of fishing lures from phillipines.....ive had em before, all good..but this time i dropped on some diving ones, Rapala copies, with a minute or 45 seconds to go......and there was a bunch in a long line... so one after another i put bids on and secured about 17 or so, i lost count, for between 35p and 65p and POST FREE! im chuffed...for the price of ONE good Rapala! now i dont care if I do lose the odd lure...... I have been known to strip buck naked and swim down in a river or lake to retrieve a snagged Rapala..espescially at £12ea or so!
Today i bought an industrial grade pair of elbow length black rubber gloves, yeah baby


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.