ok guys at long last with with much bad langauge and a linch mop sent round to jeds.i have the price list (hurrayyy)
ok so the 8-10 Skogshorn extreme should cost £818.43....but we can have it for £572.9.
that the one you can add on inners and over stuff.
the one you can not add anything in it is the 8-10 Skogshorn which costs £700.59 but for us at £490.17 (i think but will have to double check that).
as for the halling oven i'll have to get back to you on that one as i can't find it on the list.but some of the over ovens Lavvuovn Krylling kort or the Lavvuovn Krylling lang
which are are going for £361.3 after discount (which was over £792 before)
lots of money i know but so are the savings that are being show here..
and this dosen't include p&p folks.....
i have the list now so i can look up any other items that you might be looking for
ok guys i'm away withe the TA this weekend so i will answer any questions on sunday night