Lightweight cook setup

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Nope. Scroll down two posts.
Ooooh I've never seen that bread baking in a can idea before - id be amazed if I managed it on the hobo stove given my cooking skill level but I'm def going to try it, I love fresh bread.

I do feel like the big Kelly kettles which make tea on site for 6 people at outdoor meets I go to, make a bit more sense than when I carry mine as a solo hiker, like it works perfectly as a large hot water urn for groups.
Well - don’t tell Patrick Kelly but you don’t need the kettle bit if you have a cooking cup that can pack inside the stove. Just use the Littlest Hobo.
The main use for my Trekker (0.6 L) is for washing up and washing me - oh and my hot water bottle. In fact I’d never be without my KK. It sits in the elastic webbing on the back of my rucksack. Remember that it may be a tad heavier than some cooking systems but you ain’t caring any fuel - just a ferro and a cotton wool ball.

I make yeast bread at home so it isn’t difficult. I’ve even made it in the Zebra on the kitchen hob. However there’s more going on inside that pot than just dough.
Also, it doesn’t take up much active time but it does take about 90 minutes to produce two large baps.

Right now I’m sweating the “Gift it on” thread but once I’ve sorted that I’ll do a thread on Hobo bread making - unless someone else would like to.
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