They don't understand!

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Full Member
May 31, 2005
West Devon, Edge of Dartymoor!
Just one answer to the infinite stupidity and ignorance of the average person; don't bother!!

They do not WANT to understand, because their head is so far up their a**e they don't know what to do, eat, think and wear unless told so by someone on the tele.
Just as YOU do not want to understand them..... so what makes YOU any less stupid and ignorant than them?

People are different... If more people would accept the fact not everyone shares the same opinion, there would be a lot less confrontation in the world..

ex-member Raikey

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 4, 2010
it amazes me,...

just the other day i recklessly jumped out of a chopper onto the back of a camel,...

pulled out my orangetastic Gerber and killed it on the spot,...

then i gutted it and squeezed its poo bag for a few drops of water,

i made a coat from its fur then lit a fire and cooked and ate its liver,...

the people outside Greggs were horrified , but THEY JUST DONT UNDERSTAND!!!!!!

hahahaha maybe i should have just popped in for a sausage roll....?


Jul 18, 2010
Lancashire, UK
I work on the edge of Forest of Bowland, and both the men and women there are not into it whatsoever. This doesn't bother me much but I do take time to explain a little if they ask. I remember one of the girls in particular who can't really do very much (cook, clean, fix or try to figure things out) being rather impressed when I got the fire going and showed her how she can do it in the future herself. She then said to me "I wish I knew how to do stuff, I'm jealous" and I think it mostly comes down to that in some people.

The next day she came up to me and told me how she had done what I showed her with splitting the wood and so on and so forth and thanked me for teaching her to do it herself.


Oct 22, 2009
Essex, UK
Everywhere I go in the village at the moment people ask me "were you really sleeping in a hammock in the WOODS! in the SNOW!" a downside of your daughter
working in the village shop.... "you will never guess what my dad has done now"


Full Member
Aug 18, 2005
Does anyone get their wife/husband/partner complaining about kit spread out all around the house, don't they understand that's a highly organised filing system that we've developed???

Yes all the time. My kit lives in various places that are out of sight like behind and under the sofa, boot of car and attic.

As soon as I have kit out for a check or re-org I get the odd comment about moving it out to the shed or selling it.

I do have a lot of stuff, much more than I actually need. I tend to think in doubles and backup kit. For instance, if she or someone interested suddenly wanted to come with me on a over nighter I woud be prepared rather than sitting around saying 'if only we had...'

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
I suppose I feel the opposite.

I do try to look normal when Im around other people as I know I frighten them because Im different. I try not to do anything that they think is unusual. That sort of feels a bit like trying to walk through mud. want a piece of thick card to jam under a door, but you have to try to cut it out with nail clippers as using the blade thats in your pack.....

Of course, my pack usually lives in a bin liner, in the car when anyone is around, or shut in our spare room, with my kids packs, as they seem to frighten them too.

One of the wifes friends once picked up a blade I had just sharpened and sort of patted it against her palm to see how sharp it was. She was about 40. It was my fault. I know I shouldnt leave it lying around when there are little minds in the house..

She never forgave me. Even when the stitches came out - and the wife blamed me because she wouldnt visit again.

I did slip up with football.
One mate asked me if I would like to come and do something normal for a change. I immediately agreed and thanked him for thinking of me, now wheres my rifle, trying to shoot that ball while they kick it all over the place looks like real fun!

There is the sort of look you expect if you offer to set fire to someones noisy kids......


Once they arnt looking, I can go do whatever I need to do, and so can my kids!

Unlimited and happy!


Sep 25, 2008
Gatwick, UK
I've had all the usual question, BTH they know I'm a bit of a nutter anyway. Think they look forward to my tales from the weekend. In fact I'm often asked, "what you up to this weekend Ray Mears". Was telling them about my (failed) attempts to light a fire using fungi. Some of them were actually interested and want me to show them, and they were mainly girls.

I've even managed to get one of them out with me a few times (sadly a guy).

The usual comment I get is "when the revolution comes and all the power goes off, we know where to come". I tell them "Best of luck finding me in the woods!" or "it's always good to have a source of meat with me".


May 16, 2006
North Yorkshire
Yup had that over the years.

"What are you wearing all that crap for?"
You mean why have we both just walked to work from different directions and i have arrived warm, dry and comfortable ready for a days work. You on the other hand have arrived wet through to the skin and shivering and hugging a radiator for the next half hour bitching about how cold you are.

"A knife? you own rifles too? why would anyone in this day and age need knives or guns? You must be some kind of psychopathic maladjusted moron that will go on a killing spree one of these days."
Well what the hell can you say to that!?

"you go walking where? What if you fell? why would you want to hike up a mountain/deep into the highlands of scotland etc etc?"
Why do you want to go sit on beach for two weeks? assuming you don't have two weeks of monsoon rain like one person.

It goes on and on and on and on and on
Does anyone get their wife/husband/partner complaining about kit spread out all around the house, don't they understand that's a highly organised filing system that we've developed???

all the time
and my parents as i currently store stuff in both locations

mind they dont complain when they need something and i've got it
or sharpen the old man's jayhook to stupidly sharp


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 8, 2009
Warrington, UK
Oh i always get voted most likely to go on an insane killing spree in the office.
although i'll grant them that its probably true, and if this windoze 7 roll out doesn't sort itself out i'll prolly start in the new year :D


Full Member
May 17, 2010
Manchester, England
I'm with you there.

I've never understood the obsession (I was going to say passion, but I think 'obsession' is far more appropriate) most football fans exhibit.

Team does well = all's well in the world.

Team does badly = sulks, pouting, much lamenting and game dissection between like-minded friends, colleagues, associates or any member of the public prepared to listen. Lengthy diatribe detailing how the game should have been played (what's that all about ?) and a total inability to accept that in any event where there are two competitors (either individuals or teams) that there will always be a winner and a loser on the day.

Repeated use of the word "we" when discussing ones team, as though the fan in question has risen above mere supporter status and has somehow become an intrinsic part of the team...

I'll stop now before I get stoned in the village square as a heretic...


I would always argue that if it means so much to you that it can adversely affect your daily life then it means far too much to you for your own good.

If I go fishing and catch a fish, that's great; but so is just going fishing...

If I go shooting and bag some ducks, geese, or whatever, that's great; but so is just going shooting...

If I manage to light a fire with a hand drill in horrible weather conditions I'm chuffed to bits to have succeeded in challenging circumstances. The rain and wind don't spoil the event - they simply force you to change your approach and get on with dealing with it.

I'll get my coat...


the key fact with all of your examples is that YOU are doing them, They are just watching someone else do something lol

I never understood Football either if I enjoy something I'd rather do it than watch someone else have all the fun!!!!



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 15, 2005
I don't do Bushcraft, I just go camping. Sometimes with a bit less in the way of tents and clobber than most people.:)

Learning about wild foods, mushrooms and so on is a good way of making the walks with the dog more interesting.

Ian S

On a new journey
Nov 21, 2010
I really shocked a few folk at work a few months ago....

I was leaving straight from work on a Friday evening, specifically the 29th of October, to go down to the south west of Scotland to teach a mate how to carve wooden bowls from sections of log. Because I was leaving straight from work, I had the toolkit with me in work. So far so good?

The toolkit contained a Gransfors carving axe, a small adze, three gouges, a Frosts Clipper knife and some Frosts sloyd knives. Are you all with me so far?

Friday 29th was close to halloween, so the big boss decided that we'd have a pumpkin carving contest in the work, in the afternoon. Anyone see where this is going yet?

Big boss handed each team a pumpkin and a kiddy's pumpkin carving kit. My boss volunteered me to act an 'pumpkin opener in chief' and I can testify that a razor sharp Clipper is great for opening pumpkins, and a bent gouge and a dog leg gouge are excellent for scooping out the majority of the inside of said pumpkins. For some reason everyone was really, really, really nice to me for the rest of the afternoon.

See the amount of times I had to explain just exactly why I had these tools in work?


Everything Mac

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 30, 2009
On telling my work colleguges I was going to camp on an island with some blokes I'd only spoken to the internet

"you are taking the whole family with you though?"

"But you must have met these people before"

"At least its at a campsite with wardens"

"What no electricity, how do you dry your hair?"


Although, I would never advocate anyone to meet up with a group of strange men they had only spoken to over the internet...

ha ha ha - I've been there!

"You're going to meet a bunch of people from the internet?"


"What if they are all axe murderers?"

- I'm bringing my axe too - I'll be fine :D

it is nice to meet up with like minded people. :)



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.